Madelyn Flores is one of the nicest kids throughout the whole school but behind her mask of happiness is a messed up past. She tries to put that beside her and focus on school of her future. But there are instances where her past comes up and ruins...
"I think that's my dad." I grabbed my back pack and me and Gus ran down the stairs. He hung up on Bexey so that he doesn't have to hear him talk.
"I got it, mama!" Gus called out.
"Hello?" I answered it and saw my dad, obviously.
"Hi, dad." I waved.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I uh had to work on a project with Peep, I mean Gus." I was extremely nervous of the outcome of this situation.
"Gus, huh?" He asked Gus.
"Yes, sir. That's my name." Gus smirked.
"You ain't scared of a big man like me that can rip a twig like you in half?" He looked weirded out by Gus's confidence.
"No. I have no reason to be scared. Cause the both of us know that if you do that, we have a witness right here." Gus patted my head.
"Bye, Peep. I'll see you at school." I hugged him and walked out the door.
"Who do you think you are?!" He held onto my wrist tight.
"Stop, please." I cried.
"No. Not until you answer me! Who do you think you are? Trying to get attention by cutting yourself and then going to another guys house?! You slut." He scolded.
"I'm sorry." I tried to get out of his grip.
"You're sorry, what?"
"I'm sorry, master." I broke down and he let go of me so I could get into the car. The drive home was silent which was the complete opposite of what happened at home.
"You deserve this sort of punishment." He basically raped me, beat the shit out of me, and hurt me in every way, shape, and form.
"Please stop." I cried even harder if that was even possible. He grabbed me by the hair and threw me against the wall, knocking me out.
Tuesday February 2 2015 7:58 AM
I groaned and tried to wake up as I realized that I was extremely late. Probably because of how bad the damage was and yet he still decided he shouldn't take me to a doctor? I put on an outfit and brought an extra jacket for PE this time.
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"At least he's at work." I whispered to myself and walked out the door. Then I got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hey this is Bexey, Gus's friend. I thought I'd text you even though you're probably at school.
Me: No I slept in so I'm not there just yet. But hi.
Me and him texted back and forth until I finally arrived at school. Which was at 9:13 AM so I was already late for PE. When I walked in, Gus was just playing basketball alone while other kids taunted him but of course, the PE teacher didn't notice. Gus saw me and instantly his face lit up.
"Maddy!" He hugged me tight.
"Hey, Gus." I hugged him.
"God, what happened right here?" He asked and pointed to my face. Quite frankly, I haven't even noticed since I haven't looked in the mirror lately.
"Oh I didn't notice. I haven't looked in the mirror yet." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I did fall down the stairs so that could be why."