Chapter 15

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  I wake up scretching and rubbing my eyes to only see Ryland smiling at me when I fully open my eyes.

  "What do you want?" I groan as I sit up to look at him.

  "We are stopping at a gas station and we are going to get food" he says smiling "So get ready" he walks away to my guess the kitchen.

  I get up and go to the bathroom with my clothes and towel to get ready for the day but the door was locked "Hurry up in there!" I yelled through the door.

  I looked at the others who were seated at the table and they smiled at me all except Rydel. I really needed to shower not only cause I like to but because I fell asleep with sweat on my body.

  Just when I was about to knock again the door opens letting out a shirtless Ross. I stare at him and he stares at me, oh what a sight. It felt like I was staring at a glorious piece of art that I just couldn't take my eyes off of it.

  "Close your mouth Jasmine!" Riker yells making me blush like crazy.

  I look at him wanting to put up a certain finger at him but I don't instead I smile at him "Shut up Riker" I say before going into the bathroom.

  I do the normal you know take a shower, brush my teeth, do my make up and hair. I put on just any normal pair of jeans and a pink crop top with "Eat at day Sleep all day" on it in black but it showed almost all my stomach which I really didn't care about.

  I get out of the bathroom and put away my things before going to the kitchen joining everyone else. I sat next to Ratliff and Riker with Ross across from me making me feel just a little uncomfortable about showing some skin.

  "Nice shirt I like what it says" Ratliff says with a smile and pokes my arm making a boop noise as he does so.

  "Thanks Ratliff you get me" I said mes sing his hair up and I smile at him pouting.

  "Rydel can you do my hair?" He asked her but she looked up from her plate not looking so happy like she usually does.

  "Not today I'm busy with some stuff" she says before getting up from the table and going to the other side of the bus leaving me in wonder.

  "I'm going to see what's wrong with her" I said getting up from the table and going to the living room seeing Rydel face the tv. Rocky took one look at me and left leaving me alone with Rydel.

  "What's the matter Rydel?" I asked as I went to face her, I wanted my friend back I wanted to know what was bothering her cause if I did something I need to know what it is.

  She turns to look at me and she bites her lip "Do you like Ratliff?" She asked quietly.

  I stared shocked at her seeing to see if this was a joke of some sort "Rydel he is my friend" I said.

  "Rocky is your friend and you dated him" she said with a small edge in her voice.

  I look at her and she was right I di date him but Ratliff is different "Rydel to me Ratliff is just a friend I would never date him, he is like Riker, they are like big brothers to me. Rydel tell me what made you possibly think I like him?" I asked her.

  She hestidated for a moment before she let out a sigh " I saw you hugging him and you two were laughing so I might have gotten jealous cause I like him" she confesses.

  I stare at her for half a second with a straight face then a smirk appears on my face "You like Ratliff?" I whispered.

  I see her face get red and she nods.

  "Rydel that is so adorable" I said with a smile.

  "Don't tell him please" she pleeds putting her hands together.

  I smile at her "I won't I promise" then that's when it hits me "So are still mad at me cause I really need my friend back" I said looking at her with hopeful eyes.

  She frowns then smiles again"Of course silly Billy I can never be mad at you no matter what" she cheered as she gave me hug pulling me on the couch.

  I sit next to her and pull at the end of my shirt feeling awkward with my stomach out again.

  "I haven't seen that shirt before" Rydel says pointing to my shirt and pokes my belly.

  "Yeah well I'm running out of clothes so I wore this" I said. Now I wasn't that insecure little girl I was happy with my body and yeah there were days I said in my head 'i wish I looked like her' but I liked my body.

  I had a good body and some say its because I'm half mexican, which is confusing, but really its just that I try to stay active but I end up eating a whole bag of chips in a day.

  "Well we are stopping at the gas station any time now and we could all do our laundry" she says as the boys walk in.

  "What's going on?" Rocky asked as he took a seat next to me.

  "We are talking about doing our laundry cause we are running out of clothes to wear" Rydel says  as she gets up to sit in between me and Rocky only to put her feet on top of him but he doesn't mind.

  "Why you look good" Ratliff says looking at Rydel who did look good today cause you know outfit on point.

  She had on a long sleeve white crop top since it was starting to get colder now with black high waisted jeans and her occasional black converse. Basically Rydel could wear anything and look amazing, better then a model.

  Her cheeks turn a light pink, a shade darker then her blush "Thanks Ratliff" she said quietly.

  "I agree though, on the laundry part, we need to wash our clothes asap cause I've run out of jeans to wear" Riker says as I see him wearing sweatpants, a white tank top and a beanie.

  "Alright then we will stop at the station for soap then go to the nearest laundromat" Ryland says as he played with change in his black Jean pockets.

  The bus came to a stop and we looked out the window to see the gas station and across the street was a laundromat.

  "That's weird" Ross says as he stood on the frame of the bedroom enter way grabbing all of our attention.

  "Yeah so we should grab our clothes while Ryland grabs the stuff we need" Rocky says as he walks past Ross to go to the bunks.

  "Be right back then" Ryland says as he exits the bus and goes to the store.

  "Let's go people!" Riker shouts as he stands next to me probably bursting my ear drum.

  I go to grab my dirty clothes putting them in a bag then go out the bus breathing in the fresh cool air. The seasons are changing and I loved autumn more then anything, a mixture of cold and warm.

  "All right let's go" Ryland says as he comes to the bus with everything we need for our clothes.

  I stood there waiting and I see Ross come out wearing a black beanie that I gave him as a present for being the only person to show up at my audition for dancing. Yeah let's just say I didn't get in the dance academy which I don't mind.

  He looks at me for a second then walks off to the laundromat , I just stood there unaware of what I was doing.

  What just happen looked like a painting to me. He was walking off leaving me behind not even bothering to take a second to look back. He was gone and I ruin my chances to ever be more then a friend with him but it was all my fault.

  "Hey you okay?" Rydel asked looking at me with a concern expression.

  I look behind her shoulder seeing that Ross was crossing the street making it safely to the other side. I wanted to yell out no but the last thing I wanted was to worry her.

  "Yeah I'm good" I said with a smile "I'm fine" I said knowing it was all a lie cause in the inside I knew I was slowly breaking from what I just lost.


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