{4 - Arty Boy}

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After a short and quiet car ride, we finally arrived at the Kim family castle

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

After a short and quiet car ride, we finally arrived at the Kim family castle. My mouth involuntarily opened in awe at the majestic white castle that was covered in gold detailing. The front doors to the castle were large with gold trim and embellishments. It was truly the essence of elegance.

The car came to a stop and instead of waiting for someone to open my door, I immediately opened it myself, stepping out to get a better look at the castle. Abigail made her way out of the front car and stood behind me, flipping through her notebook as I gaped further at the view.

"As we have discussed before, the Kim family is one of the two families with five sons. This family is rather intelligent given that two of their gifts are super intelligence and super learning, while another gift they have is light manipulation. We still are not quite sure what son possesses what gifts. Can you tell me their names?"

I took a deep breath and turned to look at Abigail, "In order from oldest to youngest there is Seokjin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Doyoung, and Jungwoo. This family is known as one of the richest of the noble families, hence their ability to purchase five sons."

Turning back to the castle, I gave a whisper that was inaudible to Abigail, "and their ability to have such an expensive home."

I could hear the reporters and press making their way up the path to the castle so I decided it would be best to get right to it, wanting to avoid any questions about the fiasco that Lucas caused not long before. I could also hear Jackson walking closer to me and I wanted to talk to him even less than the reporters at the moment. I felt him reach for my shoulder, but I brushed off his touch and walked to the castle where a servant girl with a gold 'K' on her white uniform opened the front door for me.

Unlike when I arrived at the Seo castle, the Kim sons were all standing in the room waiting for me. My eyes widened slightly at them all standing in a line wearing matching white and gold attire.

Were all the boys that I would meet going to be damn skyscrapers?

I recognized their faces from the studying I had done with Abigail, so I knew that the first boy to make his way to me was Seokjin. I stood tall, pushed my shoulders back, and lifted my chin as he sauntered his way over to me. He had a cocky grin on his face before he bowed to me, not breaking eye contact in the process.

To my surprise, he did not attempt to take my hand and just stared at me like he was trying to memorize every flaw on my face. I knew he was trying to make me flustered so I glared back at him.

He clicked his tongue in response and said, "My stares don't make your heart flutter. What a shame."

What is this guy even going on about?

"I know that you're aware that my name is Seokjin, but you can call me Jin," he bent forward so his face was at the same height as mine before continuing, "That's what all my other ladies call me anyway."

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Did he really just wink at me after talking to me about his other ladies?

I put my index finger to the middle of his forehead and pushed him back.

"Yeah, that's a no from me there buddy."

He looked shocked at my refusal, but I could hear the snicker of one of the other boys and I looked around Seokjin's broad shoulders to see the one I recognized as Doyoung. When he saw that I noticed him, his face quickly went back to a stoic expression.

I took my hand and moved Seokjin out of my way as he scoffed at my actions. I walked up to Doyoung and reached a hand out to shake his. He avoided eye contact as he took my hand and bowed to me.

"My name is Doyoung, it is nice to meet you, Princess Reina."

I smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

"You can call me Reina, Doyoung," I stated. He lifted his head to look at my face as I continued, "You should also smile more, it looks nice on you."

Doyoung's face turned a light shade of pink and I could hear another scoff come from Seokjin behind me. I turned my head to glare at him and he had his hip stuck out to the side with his arms crossed. When we made eye contact, he stuck his tongue out at me. It was my turn to scoff at his childish actions.

This boy is really getting on my nerves.

When I turned back around Doyoung had disappeared. I turned to look for him and could not see him anywhere.

"He does that sometimes."

I turned to my right to see Namjoon standing with his hand out and a friendly smile on his face. I could not help but admire how handsome he is and the cute dimples that showed when he smiled. I did not realize I was staring until his voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Doyoung is a quiet kid and tends to keep to himself so don't think he didn't want to talk to you. With Jin, however, he is not as cocky as he seems so don't let his façade fool you."

Why was he defending his brothers? Shouldn't he be fighting for my sole affection like the other boys?

"You're probably wondering why I am defending them, but it isn't because I want you to like them more than me. I just remember a certain royal prince talk about his sister not wanting someone that is insincere," Namjoon was smiling to himself, his dimples showing more prominently as his gaze shifted to the floor in nervousness.

Did super intelligence mean that he could read my mind too?

I was too mesmerized by him that I had forgotten that his hand was still stretched out for me to shake. He was pulling his hand back awkwardly when I grabbed it with both of my hands. His force pulled me into him, causing me to be pressed into his chest. His eyes were wide in shock as he looked down at my now red face.

I was still holding on to his hand when all of the lights in the room went out. I quickly pulled away with a gasp. I frantically looked around the room and could not see anything in the room until a small ball of light manifests in a pair of hands at the other end of the room.

Light manipulation.

The pair of hands lifts the light so it illuminates the blond boy's face, revealing to me the boy I knew as Taehyung. His gaze was intense as the ball of light floated out of his hands and danced around the room. It flew up to the high ceiling and twirled around the crystal chandelier causing rainbow reflections to scatter across the room before sliding down the stair's banister.

The light made its way to a grumpy looking Seokjin before booping his nose and whipping away as Seokjin's hand went to smack it. The light moved to Jungwoo, the fifth son that had just been watching the interactions thus far. He giggled as the ball of light teased him by jumping from shoulder to shoulder.

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