Chapter 1 • "Who are you?"•

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Mild language warning
Henri sat alone on the bench in the school yard, red eyes starring at the ground. Henri didn't have any friends. Not like he wanted them anyway. Everyone was just a rude bitch to him.

"BRAIN DEAD, BRAIN DEAD!" That's all he EVER heard them say, he didn't even understand why. Yes, he didn't understand things as easily, but it didn't give the low life humans premission to call him that.

He can't even count how many times he's told them to fuck off. To just leave him alone, he wasn't completely stupid, he just had trouble understanding stuff compared to others. But it didn't mean he was stupid.

A loud bell rang through the school yard, Henri stood up waiting for all the other kids to go in, he didn't want to walk in front of them. That would be a horrible mistake. Besides if he avoided them enough, they wouldn't bug him.

Coming into the school, Henri stayed quite, heading to his home room. Only to hear whispering, "I heard rumours that there was going to be a new student in our class, I wonder who they're gonna be?"

Henri turned his head slightly as he headed back to his seat in the back of the class room. A new student, they hardly had got new students. To him it would just be another low life person to bug him about his disabilities, he wouldn't even call it a disability. He was just slightly different!

The teacher came in interupung Henri's thought process and the rest of the classes whispers. She stood up at the front of the class room smiling, clasping her hands together.

'She's definitely got some news,' He thought, maybe the rumours about the new student was true? He didn't care as long as thy didn't talk to him.

The teacher cleared her throat, "Class as you may have heard, we're getting a new student to our class, she's going to be arriving today. Her seat is already sat out."

The whole class looked around, looking for the seat of the new students, until their eyes landed at the back with Henri, were they looking at him?

It took Henri a momment to realize, they weren't looking at him. They were looking at an empty desk next to him. How did he not notice the desk when he walked in?

Henri felt a strange feeling in his stomach, he was scared, the new kid was gonna sit next to him. 'Fuck...' He thought, he didn't have a good feeling about this at all.

Well, he was thinking, Henri barely noticed a brunette girl with pink tails and grayish-brownish eyes come in the classroom and sit down in her seat, which was next to him .

Henri felt the heat of someone else's body inch towards him. "Pssst-"

Henri looked over to see the girl, his eyes fixed on the two scares lining on her face, to Henri's surprise, she smiled at him. "Who are you?"

Henri looked away from her face, not answering. The girl turned her head, in confusion. But Henri was more confused, why was she talking to him?

A kid let a cruel laugh come out from in front of them, turn around to show his smirking face, "Don't mind Henri, he's Brain Dead and dumb."

Henri growled, of course they had to tell the new girl that, sure he didn't want to talk to the new girl. But didn't want her with that impression of him. "Oh beep off, Callum."

Callum snorted and turned to look forward, the new girls smile only widening.

"Henri's your name,eh? I don't believe your dumb." She inched closer. "I'm Briana, let's be friends."

Henri's stomach churned, he didn't want to be friends with her... But she was being so... Nice. He admired that slightly.

"Sure, we can be 🄵🅁🄸🄴🄽🄳🅂"

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