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She stood alone
Lost in her own world
An atone
Her eyes purl

I approached with my heart in hands
It beats and it expands
Everything about her screamed command
My mind tried to reprimand

Her eyes so white it puts snow in its place
Her skin so smooth silk hid it's face
Her skin so warm it brought mine to a fresh disgrace

I didn't believe in love at first sight
But with her amma take that fight
Win to prove the theory right
Her shyness was like a lonely fox

Terryson says "The shell must break before the bird can fly
Anita Diamant says "When a shy person smiles it's like the sun coming out"
I wouldn't break that shell to lose a sunrise

Her voice so calming it put screaming child to sleep
Her smile so captivating and bright I got blinded at first sight
My mind created the perfect picture of how my dream girl will be
Dream so big it will take me years to see
Her name is YOLANDA
Hi lovelies🤗 .....it's been a long time I posted
Hope y'all love it..twa😘😘

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