icy; extremely cold.
Winters in New York are gelid. Every winter day as I push my way through the crowded sidewalks, cold air nipping at my face I wonder why I left my warm home in San Francisco for the frigid air of the big city. But, as I walk closer to Washington Square I see the violet flags and I remember. Leaving the Golden Gate Bridge and my parents, and Mittens the cat all seems worth it as I near the New York University Campus. Purple and white Flags adorn the building, standing out against the white snow surrounding them. Every Monday through Friday in December as I made the brisk walk from my small apartment to the NYU campus I thought about how trekking through the gelid weather would be worth the discomfort, because I had my creative writing course and my musical studies to look forward to. They were my motivating force, the reason I didn't hole myself up in my apartment and watch Golden Girls with a bag of Lays chips everyday. Having a motivating force is essential to reaching a goal, my motivating sources have always been my music and my writing; but all that changed when I met Harry.
Author's note: Hi guys! My name is Leah and this is my first fanfic, so please give me some feedback in the comment section if you like it and vote! Thank you!

Black Coffee ♡ h.s
Romanceca·nar·y kəˈne(ə)rē/ noun 1. A mainly African finch with a particularly melodious song having yellowish-green plumage. ~The Oxford Dictionary As expected, nowhere in the Oxford Dictionary was the word Canary described as a seventeen year old creativ...