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More baby shit 🙄.

Friday, July 12th, 2019

Ariana 💕

My baby girl is officially a week old. And I am currently in distress. For starters, I want another dog. Female of course. Kyle won't leave me alone about relationships and it's aggravating the shit out of me. And Denise was right; trying to get some sleep is like trying to drink the last bit of water left on Earth.

There are somethings that I am still able to be happy about though; my skin is clearer, my hair is thicker, my nails are stronger, and my body is back to its normal shape. In simpler words, women are better than men. Always and forever.

I rubbed small circles around Violet's back as she cooed. Her little coo's are the sweetest thing when she's about to fall asleep. The only problem is trying to figure out how long she'll actually stay asleep.

Milo laid beside me on the couch, watching as I pat Violet's back. I watched as Violet's tiny hands ball up into mini fists.

"You're so beautiful mamas. Mommy loves you so much." I say, kissing her forehead softly.

She cooed and I swear my heart melted. If there's one thing I'm thankful to Kyle for, it's this beautiful baby girl that I get the privilege of calling my daughter. She's been the light of my life for the last week and I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's so precious and so fragile. I want her to stay this tiny forever, but I know as she gets older, she's going to surprise me a hell of a lot.

I'm still in shock that she's here already. Her due date isn't until the 17th, yet she's right here looking me in my face. She's so gorgeous and I wouldn't have it any other way. She makes me so happy.

For the past hour, I've just been taking in her features. At the moment, she doesn't look like any of us. Being that she was just born, she isn't going to look like anyone; she's going to look like herself.

About an hour later, I was walking back to her room and patting her back. I had breast fed her not too long ago and now I'm getting ready to put her down for a nap. She was sound asleep at the moment, which works for me.

Placing her down in the crib gently, I smile down at her with her small fists balled at the sides of her head. I place her tiny blanket on her and silently leave the room after turning on the baby monitor. Just as I reached the hallway, there was a knock on the door. I wasn't really expecting anyone but okay.

Sighing heavily, I open the door to reveal Kyle.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I reply.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

I step aside to let him in. I close the door and lock it. I turn to face him as he goes to sit at the kitchen counter.

"What brings you here?" I ask.

I hadn't spoken to him in a week. And if we did talk it was solely about Violet. Other than that, nothing was really said between the two of us.

"Her." He replied, looking down the hall and back at me.

"She's asleep." I say.

"Then I'm here for you." He said.

"I'm about to take a nap." I say, getting ready to walk down the hall to my room.

He grabbed my arm before I could get any further. I turn to face him.

"Ariana, talk to me please." He pleaded.

"We have nothing to say to each other Kyle." I say, tearing my arm from his grip.

"Yes we do." He said.

"What? What do we have to talk about?" I ask.

"Us." He said.

I blinked.

"Us Kyle? There is no us." I say.

"There could be if you'd just hear me out." He said.

"What more do you need to say to me Kyle? Because it seems to me that there is just so much on your mind. But as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing for us to talk about." I say.

I turn to walk away again, but he started to speak before I could get away.

"I miss you Ari. So much. And it kills me to know that the reason we're not together is because I was stupid. I wanted more but now I realize I had enough. You were enough for me Ari." He explained.

I stood with my back to him, unmoving.

"I want you to stop pushing me away. Pushing us away. I know you miss me, and you love me. I know you do. You said it in your song." He spoke.

I felt my chest tighten and my eyes water. I closed my eyes to blink away the tears but it didn't work. I soon felt his presence behind me and turned around quickly.

"You need to leave." I say.

"No Ari, I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving you anymore. I hurt you, I know that. But I refuse to keep doing it, even if you're telling me to. You don't deserve my bullshit, you really don't." He said.

"No. I can't listen to this," I say, through a cracked voice. "You cannot do this right now Kyle. I'm fine. I'm happy."

"Playing it cool is one thing Ari." He said, stepping in closer to me if possible. "But you are a terrible liar, that's one thing you were never able to do. You're not fine and you're not happy."

"How would you know that? You don't know what I'm feeling." I exclaim.

"Really Ari? I know you like the back of my hand." He said. "I know you put your heart and soul into every little thing you do. That song you wrote, that was your message to me. And I'm sorry it took me so long to get it. I'm sorry I pushed you away. But I'm here now, and I don't plan on leaving."

"Well you're going to have to because I want you to. If you want to see me happy, you'll leave me alone." I say.

"Not like this. Especially when we have a child together. I'm thinking about what's best for her." He said.

"Co-parenting is what's best for her. We don't need to be together for this to work." I say.

"We do." He said.

"We don't." I say, sniffling as I wipe at my eyes. "That's what you want. That's not what I want."

"That's what she needs." He said, closing the distance once more. "Please Ari."

I felt my chest tightening again as I shook my head and tears blurred my vision.

"I don't trust you Kyle." I say, feeling my bottom lip quiver. "It's sad to say but I don't."

"Then let me make up for it." He said, grabbing my face in his hands.

I continue to shake my head, grabbing his wrists.

"No. No. No." I exclaim, in full blown tears right now.

He was making things worse. I'd moved on as he said to do, but now he's coming back? No. No way.

"Yes Ari." He said, placing his forehead against mine.

His features were blurred in my vision due to my teary eyes. What happened after that was a huge blur in my mind. The feeling of his lips on mine had clouded my earlier judgement and left me weak at the knees. It had been a very long while since I've felt his kiss.

I whimper into his lips, which allowed him entrance to my mouth. I didn't have a second to think as he lifted me up and I'd wrapped my legs around his torso, our lips never breaking contact. My arms wrapped around his neck instinctively as he held a firm grip beneath my thighs.

Everything that happened after that was a huge blur, but I knew in the later days it'd become a lot more vivid.

I am in a shit ton of trouble 😳.

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