Chapter 4: It Ought to be Gryffindor

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Cinderheart's POV

Today was the first 'official' day at Warriors University and she couldn't be more nervous. There weren't any classes until next week but a lot of things could happen in a week!

Cinderheart calmed herself, get through the student meeting first, worry second.

That was Cinderheart's Motto, or rather the simplified version was; Finish First, Worry Second. It was a bit of a paradox because she would never be finished with everything. 

Cinderheart glanced around the room she had walked into with Hollyleaf, there was a TV and couch thrown in one corner, and two pool tables taking up the center of the space. A few armchairs and tables placed haphazardly around the room made it seem surprisingly underwhelming. 

But then there was the energetic front desk secretary. Spottedleaf was it?

She seemed to positively beam energy around the room, keeping all eyes on her. Whether that was because they were paying attention, or placing bets on when she would explode was a different story.

Spottedleaf called out, "Alright, Alright, girls sit down where ever you like, just make sure you can hear me. Alright? Great! My name is Spottedleaf and I am the Thunder Girls head!"

Cinderheart sighed, Of course, we get the hyper teacher as our head. I bet the Shadow kids don't have to worry about their teacher exploding.

"First things first. I will be reviewing some of the more basic rules of the university, while we recommend you read the handbook for the rest.

"Now who can tell me what the first and most important rule is?"

Hollyleaf's hand shot into the air. Spottedleaf called on her.

"No being outside the dorms past midnight?"

"Correct" Spottleaf complimented, despite the groans coming from around the room she continued.

"This rule is in place, not because we don't trust you, but because we don't want you to be affected by the local crime spree that seems to be striking the nearby city. It should hopefully be gone by next year so that rule can be repealed."

Cinderheart was caught off guard, A Crime Spree? This close to the university? Surely the cops should be onto it by now!

"Now what is the 31st Rule?"

Hollyleaf's hand shot into the air once again. Spottedleaf ignored her for the moment, looking for anyone else to answer. No one did.

Spottedleaf finally said, "Hollyleaf?"

"No Alcohol or Drugs on Campus."

"Once again, correct. Does that rule need any more explaining?"

Students rapidly tried to shake their heads and proclaim their innocence of such things almost immediately. Cinderheart stifled a laugh, Innocent my foot, the punch was spiked at graduation last year! 

Spottedleaf only nodded agreeably, "Now, time to go over one of my favorite school traditions. The House Points."

Cinderheart looked at Hollyleaf questionably but she seemed equally baffled.

"As many of you know. We sort students here by family. People from Thunder Families go to Thunder, and River Families to River, etc. Those 'groups' are called houses. Each house is responsible for each other, no matter what year or gender.

"Each year teachers will give and take points from each house for credit or infractions. It is up to each house to try and get the highest score to win the year. The winners get to plan out the end of the year celebration."

Cinderheart thought carefully over what that meant. The first thing she thought was how cool that seemed, but also how it promoted the different 'houses' to stay separate.

Hollyleaf whispered to her, "This is soo cool! It reminds me of Harry Potter." 

Cinderheart paused on that. It did! I wouldn't be surprised if some principal is a fan.

Spottedleaf was still going, "Any questions?"

Of course, Hollyleaf's hand went up again. "Yes, Hollyleaf?"

"Erm, doesn't that mean students who attend more classes have a higher chance of gaining points? Isn't that unfair?"

Spottedleaf smiled, "Shouldn't attending more classes be rewarded?"

Hollyleaf looked like she was in heaven but managed to stutter out, "Of course! I completely agree!"

Spottedleaf continued smiling, "Good, now that that's settled, you may go back to whatever you were doing."

Cinderheart grinned, this would be an interesting year.

Ivypool's POV (yes I know I use it a lot)

Houses? Points? Celebration?  Who thought up these things? It sounds like something straight out of a book!

This made her plans so much harder now! If anyone found out about it (which was inevitable considering she would be out well past midnight) the rest of her house might not talk to her for losing so many points.

Well at least they had the sense not to put me in Thunder, I might have just lost points on purpose to spite them. 

Ivypool idly flipped around her butterfly knife as she walked down the hall towards her dorm, ignoring the glances she got.

Eh, Maybe this system will keep Foxleap from doing anything too bad... Scratch that, when did anything stop that kid.

Ivypool pondered the rest of the possible repercussion this system could have as she walked down the hall into her dorm to rest.

Jayfeather's POV

Lovely. Just Lovely.

Warriors University has a points system for cross-house competition, cool. Doing well in school gains points and doing poor loses them? Awesome. The medical students aren't included. Damnit.

Well, we are included, sort of. Jayfeather corrected himself. 

Apparently, the medical students weren't considered in any house so they just got to help the teachers divvy out points. Kind of cool, Jayfeather admitted. But damn, it sounds so much more interesting to take part in it.

As Jayfeather ranted in his head, he unlocked the door to his dorm and walked in, flicking on the lights, despite not needing them.

Maybe I can still get something done today if I'm not interrupted by a rabid Foxleap that is. He thought annoyed as he booted up his computer. A certain email caught his attention as he ran his hand over the brail.

To: The Bluejay 

From: < Anonymous > (No not the hacktivist group, although that would be amusing)

We are in need of your services. Meet in the boiler room at 9pm. Today.

Also, we do know who you are. So don't worry Jayfeather. You're secret is safe with us.

Shocked, Jayfeather re-read the email.


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