Flower Fall

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The flower festival occurred every year of the spring harvest. Flowers were harvested for mead and alternatively, to woo women. Every woman of age you knew was given flowers. Your friend was given flowers by two different men and your sister one by Torstein. You sat flowerless on the dock, your legs dangling over the edge. At the very least, here no one would know you didn't receive any flowers. The dock buckled under the shift of weight onto it. You glanced behind to find the Earl making his way towards you. In his hand you find a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers in Kattegat.

"You aren't frolicking around like all the other women?" Ragnar asked. You wonder why he is here of all places.

"No one gave me flowers." You try and laugh, but your voice cracks and the words are dejected. The water cracks out of the corner of your eyes. You can't deny feeling rejected. The tears soon run over the apples of your cheeks, dripping down onto your wine coloured dress. Ragnar drops behind you. His hand slides across your thighs, snuggling close to ensure you can't escape.

"If I was to say, I brought you flowers, would you finally give me a kiss?" He says in a singsong hum. You gaze out to the sun setting across the hills reflecting on the fjord. He plucks a flower out of the bouquet and weaves it into a twist of your hair.

"Perhaps I could be convinced," You lean back into him, setting the smallest of pecks against his lips. Ragnar growls feeling you pull away. His large hand came upon the back of your head, locking your lips together. His lips command an empassioned kiss and you feel your head swimming to keep up with him.

"Now yours was not a kiss!" He laughs softly, expelling huffs of air against your lips. It's almost a pouting huff.

"I've never kissed before!" You say in your own defense.

"Then I will show you how." Ragnar chides, leaning back against your lips. His kisses are warm and loving. Some last long, others are soft endearing moments where your lips run together. At the end of his kisses, you forgot all about your bouquet on the empty pier.

King Ragnar ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang