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She hated Chinese food.

But she ate it for Colton.

She didn't know why, but she did. Mira glanced up from her plate of Kung Pao chicken to see Colton smiling a little. She guessed that he was enjoying his food, and she liked that she was able to help put that smile on his face.

It was so strange seeing him again, though. The hot-tempered, impulsive Colton was nowhere to be seen.

Her mind instantly went back to the time she had witnessed him punching someone in the face so many times that the guy was bleeding out on the floor. The pure anger in his eyes was evident and it scared her.

Mira had heard of many more stories and had even seen him threatening people—people like Mick, sometimes. Though, it was all before they had properly acknowledged each others' existence.

Comparing that guy to this man, Mira was completely shocked. He had completely transformed; he was much more mellow and calm. It was as if she was looking at a changed man.

Or maybe he had just grown up.

As she put another forkful of the flavourless food in her mouth, she tried not to grimace in disdain.

"I'm guessing you don't like Chinese?"

Her head snapped up and she blinked at him as if she had been caught stealing something she wasn't supposed to. He didn't look mad to her relief; in fact, his eyes glinted with amusement.

"Uh, no," she confessed, softly.

"Neither do I."

Mira was shocked as he revealed that little piece of information so casually. She pinched her eyebrows together, trying to figure him out.

"What? Then, why—"


She nodded.

"I just wanted to hang out with you." He shrugged. "It's been years since I last saw you. Before I could even say goodbye, you had disappeared. So, yeah, I didn't really care where we went," he said.

"Oh," she said, lamely. "I just thought everyone liked Chinese so that's why I suggested it."

Colton chuckled, the deep sound rumbling from his chest. Mira had to forcefully push down the urge to stare at him; obviously, as they had grown up considerably, at twenty-seven—almost twenty eight, she guessed—he was very much manly.

More manly than she had last seen and remembered him. His hair was cut shorter compared to the messy head of hair he had when they were in school. He still had a considerable amount of hair but not nearly as much as he did—back in high school his eyes were slightly covered by longer bangs at the front.

Now, she could see them much clearer.

His facial features were more defined and sharper than ever. His body was fuller and he had stubble too.

He was attractive with the slight beard but it was strange to see him so much older and so...un-angry.

It was even stranger to have him approach her when he first did.

But she liked it.

"Um, you've changed," she said, softly. He looked up at her then, eyes flashing with a mix of emotions she couldn't really pinpoint.

He let out a laugh and she observed it wasn't because he found anything funny.

"Yeah. Life does that to you, I guess. I'm not nearly as hot-headed as I used to be."

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