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💸let's pretend cam still had his old old haircut in this one💸

Cameron's POV

"Well this is it. Goodbye long hair." I say looking in the mirror.

I'm going to chop off my long hair and get that up-do look. Hopefully I look good on it and nash will like it too.

I wanted to surprise him with my hair cut becuz it might endnote make me look like a whole diffrent person.

So I snuck out of the house telling the boys to keep nash busy cuz I'm going to go get a haircut and not to tell him so.

They were confused as to why I didn't just tell nash but they love messing with him so they agreed. I didn't tell them that I was getting a whole new look too they just thought that I was getting it trimmed.

Wow that sounded girly. Haha.

Anyway the girl that cuts the hair comes up to me, scissors in hand.

"Are you ready?" She ask me.

"Hold on." I take a quick selfie of my long hair then put my phone back in my pocket.

"Kay. Now I'm ready." I nod.

She smiles and starts cutting away.


Nash's POV

I wake up cold. I reach for my
Blanket and find that it's not there. Eyes still closed I reach for cameron. Knowing that hell give me warmth. But again I find nothing.

I frown and slowly open my eyes.

I groan loudly and flip over face first on my pillow becuz in front of me are Jox, Marter, the jacks and Shaylor. All hovering above me smiling widely.

"CAMMMMM HELPPPP" I yell in my pillow.


"Um nash? It's one in the afternoon." Shawn told me.

"Shiiiiit" I groan getting up and then notice that I'm only in my boxers.

I glare at everyone.

"You pervs. I was in my underwear and you just stared at me in my sleep?" I chuckle.

It's not like it's the worst thing they've done.

"Noooo we barley got here". Jacob says.

"And besides at least you weren't naked under the covers". Taylor jokes.

"Haha yea-" I suddenly think about last night....I was naked under the covers. Cam must of put my underwear back on in my sleep.

I blush deep red at the memory.

"Umm w-where's c-cam?" I ask.

"Damn boy. If you blushed any deeper you'd be a stop sign". Matt exclaims.

Everyone groans at his lame joke except carter. Who chuckles quietly.

"Ok anyway here's some clothes get showered and meet us down stairs we are-" Maggs stops pushing me towards the bathroom and her eyes widen.

"What?" I ask confused.

He grabs my face tilting my head so the side of my neck is noticeable.

"DAUMMMM. THATS A HUG HICKEY!!" She says eyes wide.

The boys start breaking into hysterics and I run to the bathroom closing and locking the door behind me.

"Get out me room!" I yell through the door I hear their laughter going down the stairs and I sigh in relief.

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