Project Hercules I

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Hey there readers, like I said in the previous chapter, the next two chapters -starting from this one- will be a double chapter update.


From the chapter title I know you all can already guess what the next two chapters is going to be about, well, have fun reading!

We all stood there in the courtyard, assembled in seven rows of seven columns with restraining collars attached around each of our necks, which was programmed to let out a mild electric shock if we were to wander a mile away from the research center that currently held us hostage, only to be used as guinea pigs for the Hercules project.

We stood according to the numbers they gave to us which was still boldly printed on the restraining collars. My number being TS-006 meant that I was standing in the first row on the sixth column. My brother Alexander on the other hand was number TS-042 that meant that he was no where in sight cause he was at the back of the assembly.

"Listen up test subjects The bald headed instructor yelled out at us from a raised platform on which him and some other people stood. "You all know why you are here so I'm not going to beat around the bush, over ninety percent of you will die before the conclusion of this project. Now I know all of you were dragged here against your wills, but it is your duty as members of the legendary maiden shelter to ensure the survival of humanity by any means necessary even if it means laying down your lives..."

But isn't that the job of the scouts, that has nothing to do with us. Screw humanity, we are all doomed anyway!

"I assure you, your sacrifices will not be in vain and will be remembered throughout history. Now without further ado, a word from His Majesty himself." The instructor said before stepping aside.

"His Majesty?"

"His he really here?!"

Murmurs started to circulate around the assembly of test subjects but was quiet down by the appearance of His Majesty the king, or most commonly, 'the white wolf'.

"I'm going to cut to the chase, you all will undergo series of maintenance whereby you will be given various injections containing different substances, which some of you may or may not survive..."

Maintenance? He makes it sound like we are some sort of replaceable machines.

Groups of men wearing lab coats came walking towards us with some women holding trays with needles, syringes filled with different coloured liquid and cotton wool trailing behind them.

"Please try to cooperate with the researchers, they are only trying to make this project a success and so is everyone here, right?" His Majesty said as he gestures towards the men in lab coats who seemed to be preparing to administer the injections to each and everyone here, only the test subjects that is.

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"I-i can't take this anymore! We are all going to die!! I'm outta here!!!" A girl from the line shouted before she started making a run for the exit. There were too many people in the way so I couldn't quite see her features but what I did see however, was her blonde hair.

Personally, I found it stupid, cause apart from the collars that were set to electrocute us if we went a mile away from the facility, there was the guards with guns stationed at the gates ready to shoot any unauthorized personnel that tried to leave. And that includes test subjects.

Some guards that were stationed at the courtyard attempted to go after but was stopped by His Majesty with a wave of his hand.

"Let her go I'll use her as an example," he said as he drew out what looked like a remote trigger for something from his coat pocket. With a single push of the button the runaway girl's restraint collar was triggered and she fell to the ground immediately stuttering, while her body bent into different shapes and arcs. She seemed to be in real pain.

"Please stop!" I instinctively shouted.

His Majesty slowly turned to look at me and I almost choked on my own words as my eyes met his gaze.

"Your Highness, if I may," I said as I bent down on one knee with my right hand fisted on my chest and my left hand tucked behind my back.

"You, what's your name?" His Majesty asked me.

"TS-006, Your Highness,"

"Not that, your real name,"

"Hannes sir, Hannes Palmer."

"Palmer, hmmm...where I've I heard that name before?" He said to himself as he stroked his chin. "Oh, that's right, you must be the son of the whore that tried breaking into here earlier. Ahahaha, and she was armed with just a pistol, seriously, a pistol!

"Aaarrrggghhh! Why you..."

As I was about to get angry, he suddenly sent me a smirk like he knew what he was doing and retaliation would just be playing into his hands.

I slowly inhaled and then exhaled in an attempt to control my anger.

"Your Majesty, I humbly believe that electrocuting her would not be of benefit to you," I said.

"Uh, explain,"

"For all we know, ninety percent of us standing here will most likely die before the conclusion of this project like you said, that's why I strongly suggest you don't kill her for she might just be the only one that survives and pulls through until the very end," I explained to him. "You want the project to succeed,don't you?"

All eyes turned to His Majesty awaiting his response. And I shot him my own smirk in response to his.

"Well played Palmer," His Majesty commended me as he pressed the remote trigger again which deactivated the girl's restraint collar. "Keep in mind that brains alone is only going to get you so far Palmer. Anyways, catch!"

He tossed the remote trigger at me which I struggled to catch in mid air but finally did.

"M-my Lord, I don't think that's such a good idea," the instructor said.

"Y-yeah, why me?!"

"That remote trigger in Palmer's hands controls the electrocuting effect of all the restraint collars you all have on," His Majesty said to everyone. "Regarding your question before, I've taken a liking to you so don't you die early, alright?"

He hasn't taken a liking to me, all he did was put a huge target on my back, thanks to this remote trigger!

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