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tyler was sitting in english class with jenna listening to the teacher go over the end of the semester project, tyler couldn't believe his first semester of senior year was almost over. jenna looked over at her bestfriend who was writing down notes and tapping his leg when she saw something, she cocked her head and reached over to touch him and tyler jumped and pulled away, while looking at her confused.

"jenna what are you doing?" he whispered to her. jenna gave him a look. "tyler is that a hickey?" she hissed which brought attention to a couple students around them. jenna cocked her head as a way to say "mind your business" and they immediately turned around. she tightened the scarf around her neck and looked at tyler again. he blushed and nodded and looked down.

she gasped, "what why? did joshua do it?" she spat at him, rolling her eyes. she tried to be supportive but she really did not like him. tyler nodded confused.

"well yeah why wouldn't he? we're dating" jenna's eyes popped out of her head. "you're DATING?" she whispered yelled and the teacher stopped writing on the bored and gave her a stern look.

"would you shut up! and yes we are why is it such a big deal? and why are you mad i have a hickey? i told him to give me it" tyler said boredly. jenna crossed her arms and let out a huff. tyler rolled his eyes at her childness.

"look you guys need to learn to get along, you both are huge parts of my life and i don't want you guys hating eachother, it makes me upset" tyler whispered sadly. jenna felt guilty. she honestly doesn't really know why she hates the infamous member of the crybabies, she's just afraid of tyler getting hurt.

"okay fine, i'll try" tyler cheered and hugged her. the bell rang and they grabbed their bags and walked out together since it was now lunch. he passed joshua on the wall and gave him a soft smile. he wished he could just run up and hug him, but he couldn't.

later that afternoon tyler and joshua were laying in joshuas bed, tyler was playing with joshua's hand and joshua was staring off into space. tyler noticed and sat up and looked at him.

"you okay?" joshua snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. "yeah i'm just confused on why you wanted to come over, it's not necessarily A+ material here" he said shyly and tyler rolled his eyes.

"i don't care where we are, i will always feel safe with you, and plus i wanted to hang out before we go to dinner with jenna" tyler responded. joshua groaned. "do i really have to go? she doesn't like me"

"yes y-" tyler started but was cut off by a loud slam of a door. panic rushed through josh as he sat up.

"joshua what's going on?" tyler asked confused. joshuas heart started racing as he shoved tyler in a closet.

"f-fuck my dads home please stay quiet, please" joshua begged as he shut the door before he got a response. ashley came running in her brother's room and jumped on his bed, scared out of her mind. they heard heavy steps that got louder each second. ashley muffled a sob and joshua kissed her cheeks.

"it's okay ash, i won't let him hurt you, not again" tyler heard joshua say. tyler's heart was racing as he heard the door open to josh's bedroom. his breath hitched and he quickly covered it with the back of his hand.

"hey fag" joshuas dad slurred. when joshua didn't answer he slammed his beer on the table which caused them to jump.

"i was talking to you" he spit at the older boy. shaking with fear he let out a mumbled "hi"

joshuas dad looked at ashley and smiled walking towards her. ashley's breath hitched as she looked at her brother. her eyes were filled with fear. joshua slightly pushed their dad. "she doesn't want you to touch her" joshua said sternly which resulted in him getting slapped across the face.

tyler gasped as his eyes filled with tears. he couldn't believe what was happening. he couldn't believe this was josh's life.

bill was about to walk out when he remembered what he came in here for. he turned around and looked at his son, his eyes filled with hate.

"who's car is outside? i know it isn't one of your queer friends" joshua started to panic. it was tyler's. he let out a deep breath before replying. "no ones" bill didnt like that response and shoved joshua against the wall. ashley whined and covered her eyes. tyler covered his ears.

"i am going to ask you again. who's car is that?" bill yelled before choking joshua. tyler could hear the choking noises and he started hyperventilating, hoping his father wouldn't heae him. once he let go joshua gasped for air.

"you're scaring ashley" he said inbetween coughs. bill shrugged. "i don't care"

"i know you don't but i do, now go the fuck away" joshua regretted those words as soon as they left his mouth. bill punched joshua in the lip before grabbing his beer and taking a sip.

"you will learn someday to not talk to me like that" and with that bill left the room and eventually the house. joshua quickly wiped the tears and looks at his sister. "you okay?" he whispered. ashley jumped in his arms repeatedly saying how sorry she was.

tyler quickly walked out of the closet and hugged joshua. he was so scared.

"love are you okay?" joshua whispered. tyler looked up at him. "you are hurt and you are asking me if i'm okay? joshua for christ sakes you're bleeding! please please we have to do something, i can't and i won't let you live like this. joshua what i just heard scared me and i know it scares you even more" tyler said as tears were streaming down his face. joshua smiled slightly.

"tyler i'm used to it, i-"

"NO! it shouldn't be like this" tyler yelled but quickly felt bad as he saw both ashley and joshua flinch. tyler kissed joshua's cheek.

"i don't want you to get even more hurt. i didn't like what i heard joshie. i didnt like it" he said as he leaned into joshua's arms.

"i don't like it either angel, but it has to be like this for now. we gotta go meet jenna" tyler looked at him confused. "no we have to cancel, neither of us are in the right state of mind and your lip is busted. come to my house and let me take care of you, please?" joshua let a tear fall as he hugged the smaller boy.

"God what did i do to deserve you?"

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