Kayano loves St. Patrick's Day because her hair is perfect for the holiday. She doesn't really want to go that far so she'll just make green-dyed pudding for the class and say that her hair counts as her green for the day. Koro-sensei will give you a leprechaun trap contest and judge them all and give them a good amount of gold coins based on how good they are. You and Kayano get a lot of gold coins and share them throughout the day. Kayano's percentage of green is basically 30%, she's trying, but not that hard. After school you would probably go to a cafe and order Patty's Day themed treats. You guys don't go to see the parade because it's so frickin' crowded, instead you'll watch it at home and Kayano thinks it's alright, you just stay tuned to watch the dogshow after and it's great. You guys don't get to drink but you'll happily drink Capri-sun and act like you're wasted even tho you aren't, just for the fun of it.
Nakamura, as with every holiday, does her very best to be as extra as possible. She'll even ask Koro-sensei to go to the bathroom and come out in full body green paint and a orange beard. It's so stupid but she has so much fun with it that you can't help but support her. The whole class loves it, even Korosensei, who gives her extra coins just because she went all out. Her building skills aren't the best but she still gets at least five chocolate coins for creativity (and mostly because Koro-sensei felt bad for her). Since Nakamura is in full body paint she's considered 53% green, since none of her clothes are actually green. Afterwards you'll go to study at your house, but only on one condition, you put the St. Patty's day parade for her to watch. Your eyes only flick up every once in awhile because you don't really care about the floats. Nakamura's favorite float is probably the doughnut float because it looks so bad that it's almost laughable. You guys don't get drinks, but you do sneak in some of Koro-sensei's alcoholic chocolates ('cuz apparently those are a thing).
Kanzaki thinks St. Patrick's Day is kinda fun, she doesn't want to do anything too extreme and she's definitely your impulse control when you go out to buy stuff for St. Patty's day. You'll wear matching hats, ties and socks together but you'll have an orange beard and green trenchcoat that Kanzaki will make you return after school because who the hell pays a thousand yen for a stupid trenchcoat?! Well you, duh! Kanzaki's percentage of green is prolly between 20-30% depending on her mood. Her leprechaun trap, like Nakamura's, doesn't really work out all that well but it still works and it looks really cool so she gets a fair amount of coins, you get a lot because you specialize in engineering like Itona. People will try to pinch Kanzaki because they're pervy idiots but you're there to punch them and be like 'she's wearing this giant freakin' tie bozos! Now get lost before I make you so dizzy even the shamrocks above will feel it!' You'll try to get glimpses of the parade from the street but give up and go to her house because it's closer. Her favorite one is this really pretty one with a lot of sparkles, but you just see it as a giant, ugly disco ball. Your favorite part is when you spotted Korosensei on a float as he pretended to be one of the guys on there, and it seemed to be working. You guys will have a special St. Patty's Day drink that can be really sweet or really bitter, but either way it's really good.
Okuda also believes St. Patty's Day to be a super fun holiday. Even though she'll just wear a little hat and possibly a necklace. She would totally use her chem skills to make super fun bubbly, green drinks that tastes like Shamrock tears, or at least what you imagined Shamrock tears to taste like. She'll totally get extra coins for her bubbly concotion, her leprechaun trap is more secret acids and stuff and less so levers and pulleys, but Koro-sensei still really enjoys it and gives her a good amount of gold coins. Okuda's percentage of green is 10% or less because she's a rule follower and doesn't want to do anything extreme or something that may just break dress code. You'll just go to a cafe and watch the parade there and on the walk back to her place she'll rant to you about why some floats were absolutely horrendous and how they should not be included into the parade and what floats and stuff they should've used instead.
Kurahashi likes St. Patrick's Day and all but she also doesn't because during this month a lot of people ask her if she's irish because of her orange hair and as many times as she denies it everyone asks her anyway and it actually really gets under her skin, So much so that one day she has enough and comes into school with a 'I'M NOT IRISH!!!" Sign on her front and back, you try to talk her down from getting angry at people and sometimes have to hold her back from the other students in classes in Kunigogoa. Her percent of green is 0% because of all the teasing though Korosensei does convince her to build a mediocre leprechaun trap and to accept a few gold coins for all her hard work. People will pinch her for not wearing any green but that's alright with her as long as it's on the arms and not anywhere inappropriate. She honestly just wants to go straight home and binge watch movies for the rest of the day, which is totally fine with you.
Hayami also gets teased and asked if she's irish, she always gives a different response to when asked and it's funny because she says the most craziest thing you could come up with in a monotone voice and she doesn't let it get under her skin tho. But after school she rants to you a little but you think it's fine, she just needs to get some stuff off her chest. Her leprechaun trap is so deadly that it actually takes off one of Koro-sensei's tentacles, so she gets a significant amount of gold coins. Her percentage of green is prolly around 10-20%, don't expect much, she'll probably wear a little hat, possibly a bow tie and a bracelet. Everyone already knows that trying to pinch Hayami, even when she doesn't wear green, usually ends up with a trip to the hospital and a broken arm. After you'll stake it out on a roof and watch the parade from above through sniper positions with binoculars, Hayami uses her rifle scope because it feels 'comfortable' long story short there's a lot of extra paperwork in Mr. Karasuma's future.
Kataoka just doesn't care, she can find much better things to do, though she can be talked into wearing a green bracelet and some face paint. Her leprechaun trap is average but she still gets some good coins. Her percentage of green is 5% or less, unless if you talk her into some facepaint, then it's 15%. Kataoka will just go straight home and maybe put the parade on if it's still on T.V and watch it with you. She doesn't have a favorite float, but she does like some of the songs that are performed and will just casually drink regular water.
Hazama likes to use St. Patrick's Day for her creepy writing prompts and nightmare fuel drawings. You never want to see her draw a leprechaun again. She wears nothing for St. Patrick's Day and therefore she has a 0% of green. Her Leprechaun traps look more like those creepy rollercoasters that exist and it's really creepy, though it's really expert and almost caught Koro-sensei and gets a ton of coins, but she gives them to you not only because your trap sucks but because she doesn't have a sweet tooth. Everyone in class will either pinch or punch her depending on how much they're familiar with her. After school she would prefer to write and draw her leprechaun nightmare fuel in the darkness of her room with you, the little ray of sunshine watching the parade that's streamed on your phone and ocassionally asking Hazama to look at them because they are cuteI

Holiday Preferences
FanfictionTrick or treat! We give thanks! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Will you be my valentine? You aren't wearing green~ April Fools! Easter time! Happy Father's Day! Happy Birthday to you~! A book chock-full of Holiday Preferences from birthdays...