3: Scarlett

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The tow truck guy was a total creep. He kept hitting on me left and right and when he found out I was dancing at a bachelor party tonight, he almost lost his mind. He claims to know the guy who's getting married and said he'd be at the party and I secretly hoped he wouldn't be. He could be a decent looking guy if he had learned to brush his teeth early on in life and knew what a shower was. But apparently he didn't know what either of those were.

"How much will this cost me?" I finally asked, wanting to get out of here. At least the guy was nice enough to call me a cab, but the driver was now waiting impatiently out front.

He grinned at me with a wink. "About $300, but if you give me a little dance back in my office, I'll only charge you $100."

Damn it. I knew he was going to go there. And the really shitty part is that I only had $20 cash on me. After the party tonight and paying my cut to Morgan's guy, I'd have about $150 left. I'm kicking myself for not leaving it at the bar and letting Duke fix it tomorrow. He probably would have done it for free, or at least let me pay for the part.

"Fine. But only a quick dance. I'm running behind as it is." I really didn't want to do this but I had no other choice.

The tow truck driver grinned, revealing stained and busted teeth and I shivered. He was also so dirty; he looked as if he'd been rolling around in oil all day.

I followed him back to his office and shut the door behind us. He sat down on an old bench seat from a van and turned on some music. Country music blasted through the speakers but he quickly changed it over to something more provocative.

That's when I began swaying my hips back and forth while unbuttoning my shirt.


I finally slipped into the back seat of the cab and had to swallow back the tears that were threatening to fill my eyes. I had done this a million times before, so why was I feeling so emotional about it now? It isn't like I haven't danced for worse men than the tow truck driver before. But for some reason, it made me feel dirty; it made me feel used. And I don't like this unfamiliar feeling spreading through me like a wildfire.

"Hey, buddy," I said to the driver, getting his attention, "keep your eyes forward if you know what's good for you." I needed to get into my sexy attire for the night and didn't have time to stop anywhere else to change. Not to mention I was already pushing it on time. If I had him stop so I could change, then I'd be late.

The driver looked like he was just seventeen years old and when I said that to him, he nervously kept his eyes forward. Good boy, I thought.

I got into my fake cop outfit, topping it off with my cute little hat. The other girls dancing with me tonight were dressing as cops too. We were supposed to be the most cliche dancers ever, knocking on the door, and telling them there has been a noise complaint. Then we would start stripping for the men.

The cab stopped outside a cute little brick house that had several cars in the driveway and lining up the street. That's when I noticed the other dancers waiting for me by the garage, staying out of view from the windows. I paid the kid and jumped out.

"Sorry, ladies. Car problems." I greeted them, nodding my head.

"Oh, you poor thing," one said to me in the sweetest voice.

The two other women dancing with me tonight were gorgeous. The sweet-voiced one was a dark-haired, beautiful Asian and had the best set of tits I had ever seen. The other girl was a platinum blonde girl with an ass to kill for.

We introduced ourselves, even though I wouldn't remember their names after this, and then made our way to the front door. They were new to the bachelor parties so I took the lead.

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