Chapter 7

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  He was humming softly, and it woke me up. I would never admit that I didn't mind. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I sat up. "Oh shit, I didn't wake you did I?" He asked as he made his way to the edge of the bed. I couldn't help but giggle. "No, Luke. You didn't wake me up.".
   I slid my legs to the side of the bed, and stood up. I crossed my arms and yawned as I walked over to him. He must have just finished getting dressed. He was dressed nicely, in a suit. Don't get me wrong, it looks absolutely amazing on him. "What's with the suit?" I asked and let my eyes wander around the room. It's all still new to me. It was weird even. This wasn't my room, no matter if it's meant to be or not. This isn't my territory. And I was planning to walk on egg shells here.
   "I've got a pretty important meeting this morning.". I thought about it for a minute. I turned and started to walk towards my closet. "What's the meeting about?". I flipped the light on, and I'm still amazed by the clothes. I heard him sit down, probably on the bed. "Well. There's some people who might want to buy some services from us.".
    I ran my hands across the jeans. There was an entire section of black jeans, and my ass was still trying to pick one of them as if they're different. "What services would they be buying?". I paused after I asked. I was almost afraid of what he might say. "It's nothing to worry about, Love.".
  "Hey I've got a question". I had come to Holly's room. She was bored, I could tell. She was even making her damn bed. Holly is someone who will avoid doing chores at all costs. If there are even chores here.
"What's up?" She asked, referring to me having a question. She motion to the bed she just made and we both sat down. "What is it that they do here?". "What do you mean?". "Like. What's all of this business that they do? Is this a gang or something?". She didn't respond quickly. In fact she got a little quiet.
   "I'm not gonna lie, they do.. Bad things.". "Like what?". She sighed and leaned forward, placing her hands in her lap. I felt like this was some dramatic scene in a movie. "You know how people who make drugs usually have to make shipments?". "Yeah?..". "Well, huge shipments usually require men to make the deliveries. And the men here make a lot of those deliveries. It's dangerous, people try and stop them, take the drugs. They try to kill them, Cass.". It was now officially quiet. I was trying to process it. I mean, I knew shit went down here. But actually hearing it come out of someone's mouth is different. "Is that all they do?". "Ohhh no. Not at all.".
   "Guys, lunch!". We both instinctively stood up. "We'll finish this later.". I nodded and followed her out. Although I'm pretty sure I know what she would have said. We made our way down stairs, along with the others that were still in the house. When I entered the kitchen, my eyes met the delightful sight of stacks of pizza. "Eat up, ungrateful brats.". That was the same guy who bugged out at me the other day.
  I pulled at Holly's arm so that she came back to my side. "Hey, what's the deal with him?". Her eyes followed mine, and she almost started laughing. "That's Yoongi.". I almost slapped the shit out of her. "Okay, and?". "That's my boyfriend" She said with a bit of a proud smile. We both grabbed a paper plate as the people around the pizzas cleared up. Hardly anyone stayed to eat in the kitchen. "Your dating that prick?". She smiled. "He's not so bad. He's just.. Closed off". "Well tell him to cut his shit before I get pissed off".
It had been a calm day, me and Holly had really just been sitting by the pool. We talked about her coming here. We talked about me coming here. We talked about the others. And then the ones outside of the house. It was hard for me to keep up. And all of it strikes some questions in my mind. Although I didn't ask any of them. I didn't want to stir anything up.
Luke had come home earlier, but he had some 'papers to sign'. So he went to his office, wherever that is in this massive house. I didn't really talk to him when he got home, my mind has been in a few certain places. Especially after everything Holly has told me. So I suppose that's why I had asked someone where Luke's office was. And why I was heading there now.
It turned out they've got a garage like building outside, stored away behind the pool and yard. Awfully hidden, If you will. That didn't stop me from knocking on the wooden door with no window. About half a minute later, Luke came to the door. He smiled as soon as he opened it. I didn't know what to say. I don't know what to say to him, ever. "Come on in. I was just finishing up.". I stepped in, and he shut the door behind me.
It was much bigger inside than it looked outside. What we were standing in was a massive living room like space. There was a few couches off to the side, and then a desk in front. On the opposite side of the room, there were filing cabinets and shelves. There were a few rooms connected. One of which was locked. I instantly wondered what was in there. "What's that locked up room?" I asked as I sat down on one of the couches. He walked over to the desk and leaned against the front of it. "Oh, that? It's nothing really." He paused for a minute to fold his arms. "What's up?". I didn't know how to approach it, so I just said, "I have a few questions.". He shifted and smiled. "Shoot."
"Well first off, are all of those guys and girls together?". He furrowed his eyebrows, like he was formulating his response. "It's a long story, in which you'll fully put together over some time. But any girl in the house, or the ones that stay here for a bit, are with one of my guys. Not all of the guys have a girl though.". I didn't really care enough to keep going with that topic. "I had another question though. I wanted to.. Know more about what goes on here..". I didn't know if it was all secretive or not. So I sorta hesitated. And I knew it was as soon as he sighed.
He stood up, away from the desk. "That's nothing you need to worry about, like I said.". I suppose I should have stopped there. "It's just that, I don't know anything. I mean, I know a little. But if I'm here, I wanna know.". "I said you don't need to worry about it.". His voice was a bit more stern, which only angered me. "Why? Why does it need to be hidden from me?". I stood up, crossing my arms. He turned to face me and stood straight. "Because I said it doesn't concern you, and you'd better listen.". "Or what, Huh? You gonna kill me?". I was beyond pissed at this point, not because he was hiding this from me. But because reality started to hit me.  His jaw clenched, and I was starting to wish I hadn't said that. I blanked until I noticed the books and paper being thrown at the wall.
  "Don't disrespect me like that, Cassie. Goddamnit!" He yelled. My arms unfolded and fell to my side. And my heart dropped. I saw the anger in his eyes. "I didn't want to start like this! I didn't want this to be hard, Damnit!". As he got closer, I started to back up. This wasn't my Luke. Maybe he was never my Luke. "I..I wanna go home" I said so softly, my voice cracked. Tears were daring to spill down my cheeks. He threw his hands up and laughed. "There's no going home, Cass. Don't you see, this is your home now. We are your family now.".
  Everything started to slow down. It's like someone flipped a switch. I no longer saw things through a pretty little filter. This wasn't pretty. This was hell. Oh god, Mike. I left him, he's alone. I have to get to Mike. I couldn't stay here. I couldn't stay here against my will. Especially not when I've got so many responsibilities at home. I didn't say anything, I don't think that I could. Luke sighed and turned around. And I saw an opportunity. "Damnit Cass" his voice was getting softer. "I've tried so hard and so long to make a life for us-" alrhough he was cut off by the slamming of the door. All I could think of doing right now was run.
  I didn't know where I would end up, I wasn't even sure I would make it away. In fact, I was hoping this was a dream. This was nice, and now it's not. I'd like to wake up now. I'd like to be woken up by the screaming match between Mike and one of my mother's many toys that had stayed over. I want to go downstairs and get in the middle, make myself the punching bag instead of Mike. I want to have my crying fit and then meet Holly on the way to school. I want to come home and cook for Eveyone while I stress over my school work. I want to send Mike to see his friends or go upstairs while I await the 50/50 chance of my mother's new toy getting mad at me. I want to go to bed crying, wanting to throw everything away. I want to go back to normal. As fucked up as it is, it's my normal. And I want it.
  In no time, a weird purge like siren was going off, and my hands sprang up to my ears. I hadn't noticed how far I had run, I was in the midst of many trees now. But I didn't stop. My heart was pounding, tears were falling, and I was scared. I knew that I had no time at all before they caught up to me. There was no chance I was going to make it out. But I had to try.
  I slowed down slightly to realize that I had to do some blind navigation here. I stopped and leaned against a tree, turning to back of it to catch my breath. I bent down, my hands on my knees. I could hardly breath. And I could hardly think. I was too scared. "I didn't want it to be like this, Cass.". I quickly looked up, and backed up. It was Luke, of course. And I started to run, although I failed as I ran into someone's chest. Before no time, Luke had a grip on both of my arms, and he was dragging me in a direction in which I assume was towards the house.
   There was no use in trying now. There were miles of land here. I couldn't navigate my way out, let alone out run all of these men. I had no choice. I was trapped. I was trapped in my fantasy. "I'm not going to hurt you, you know that. But don't think that things are going to be peachy now" he said sternly without looking down at me. And I knew, there was no escape from the man I love.

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