Chapter Seven

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3rd Person POV

With the loud thumping of his foot, Uzumaki Naruto stood in Training Ground Three.

He had an idea where they all might go, and it was possibly the best idea he'd ever come up with. After all, this place was their place. They trained here, bonded here, and ultimately fought here in the future— even if it was left to become nothing but ash and dirt.

Naruto felt a sheepish grin spread across his face as sweat trickled down his forehead at the next thought that crossed his mindx.

And also because of Ichiraku's being closed today.

Teuchi-san and his daughter had left for a short vacation and they would be gone till the the day after tomorrow. Teuchi-san would briefly tell Naruto sometimes in the future whenever it would be just the tree of them.

He remembered that day in Ichiraku's. A storm raged on outside of the warmly, lit ramen stand. Teuchi-san and his daughter bearing wide grins and excitement within their eyes as they told Naruto about their trip.

"Oh, Naruto, you should've seen it! The fireworks in the sky were just beautiful— right, Ayame?"

"Yes! One of the most prettiest things I've ever seen! We'll
bring you on our next vacation, hm, Naruto?"

Ah, Ichiraku's. Naruto closed his eyes for a moment, his thoughts overcoming him once more. It wasn't his first time reminiscing the old ramen stand and the old man with his daughter.

They were some of the kindest people he had ever met, always greeting him with a smile and warm, bowl of ramen. It was a cozy feeling that made him feel warm inside, knowing there was a place that would welcome him with open arms. They were like the family he never had, and he loved them to pieces.

He felt liquid prick at the corners of his eyes, but he didn't mind it as much as he had before.

They couldn't go on that trip like they had promised him. They couldn't see the fireworks like they had before.

They never got to go on another trip because they died before he could even lift his finger to help them. The day where all of Konoha had perished within the blink of his eye was the day he felt the fire within him begin to diminish.

Naruto took it upon himself to sit down, his back pressed on a tree. He eyed the ground in front of him before picking up a few rocks and throwing them at the nearest tree.


He could never forget that day. The whole world had darkened at their loss, raining upon the remains of their village as if it was crying for him, the tears that Naruto refused to shed no matter how hard it was.


He could never forget the way Sakura had crumbled before him. The way her eyes had widened and how her mouth had stretched open to let out an agonizing scream.


He could never forget the pain that washed over her green eyes, the eyes that were once so bright and cheery, had been reduced to nothing more then a dull green as she read the name listed upon the identifiable.

Her parents names not being among them.


He could never forget the hour upon the sun setting when the Medic-Nin were assigned towards the burning of the remains of those unidentifiable.


He could never forget watching her walk out of the medic tent with one fist shaking and with the other hand carrying a pitcher of oil.

Ash. He stared at his open hands as he watched ash descend upon his dirt covered hands. His face was smothered with soot, his eyes burning from the smoke that still lingered within the air but that became the least of his worries.

He swore that he would protect them— all of them.


"Ouch! What the—!"

The sudden shout had snapped Naruto out of his trance, rubbing his eyes to clear away the fuzzy film of tears that hazed them.

"Oh, sorry about tha—"

The rocks that he once held within the palm of his hand fell between his fingers. His cerulean blue eyes widened at the figure who stood barely six feet away.


"Yo kid! Ya' gotta be more careful with your throwing! I mean, you have a pretty good throwing arm for a kid, but imagine if it was a kunai! I could've died!"

Naruto's mouth opened ajar.

No. No. No.

"Not even an apology? Kids these days I swear..."

For not even six feet away stood Uchiha Obito, a man that was not supposed to be here.


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