Part 3

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*Josies pov*
"You should talk to her," I place my head in my hands as Hope interrogates me.
"Can you just drop it, it's not like it meant anything. I was infected, remember?"
"Yes, but the slug lowered your inhibitions, meaning it just took away the part of you that was too scared to kiss Penelope again," I shot her a harsh glare, only to see a proud smirk spread across the tribrid's face.
"Maybe your right, but she's made it pretty clear she doesn't want to be with me," every time I think about that it hurts. Knowing that the only person who had time to put me first doesn't love me hurts.
"You have to be joking. Have you seen the way she looks at you, how protective she is over you? Once she heard someone say something about you about you so she paralysed them for two bloody hours!"
I was confused. Even as the headmasters daughter, I'm used to staying out of the spotlight, so I always find it unusual (and to be honest a little unnerving) to be what people gossip about.
"What were they saying?"
"I- it's not my place to-"
"Tell me Hope!" I felt my face flush with anger.
"Fine! It was something to do with your coven."
"My- why? what about it?"
"I've got to go, talk to you later." She disappeared. I stood up, and almost subconsciously, I made my way to Penelope's room.


Hi, this chapter is awful but I felt like I needed to write something.

But can we talk about the promo pics for 1x14?! THE NOTE, PENELOPE BEING JOSIES ESCORT, PENELOPES PANTSUIT

I'll try to write more this week.

- A<33

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