"Huh?" My heart stopped at a halt, josh is home?!
"Yeah yeah josh is here now with Sab visiting" she said blissfully through the phone.
I felt my jaw drop. I haven't seen josh in at least 3 years. Josh is my step brother on my dads side. I remember holding him in my arms when he was a small baby. Last time I saw him, he was 6. Sab is Josh's mom, she was another woman over than my mom whom my dad decided to leave. He has 3 kids, fucked us all off.
"Put him on the phone" I spoke quickly, I felt tears brewing up in my eyes. My grandma looked at me questionably,
"Josh is home" I mouthed to my grandma. She paced towards me, sitting on the chair beside me.
"Maeve" josh spoke. He sounded so much different. I smiled at his voice.
"Hey josh miss you" I replied, I really did miss him. I remember us spending so much time together when he was young.
"Miss you Maeve" he laughed with his cute little voice, "come home soon"
"Bye josh love you" I tolled him, waiting for him to give the phone back to Jade. He probably doesn't remember me too well.
"Love you" he answered. My heart fluttered at his words. I miss his little face.
He passed the phone back to Jade, "talk later Maeve"
"Love you Jade"
"Love you too Maeve" I ended the phone, placing it back in my pocket. I looked up to see my grandma smiling up at me.
"I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time" she admitted, placing a hand on my shoulder. I do really love josh, he's my only younger sibling so I really mothered him. He lives in Europe, so he visits very rarely. Kind of shitty though that the time he visits I'm not there to see him.
"I'm feeling better Grandma" I told her, getting up from the chair grabbing my school bag and coat, "I'm about to go upstairs, yeah?"
"Dinner is ready soon I'll shout when, I'm going out to a client afterwards so I'm going once I've gave you dinner" she stood up, walking back towards the hob. I smiled, before running up the stairs and opening my door to my bedroom. I sighed, dropping my bag and jumping on my bed face down. My emotions yoyo to fuck, I just feel... nothing. Like I don't seem to feel anything. There are heights of my life , I felt happy speaking to josh but that's just temporary, I seem to feel so bland. I fucking need someone to lift me. I got my notebook out and decided to finish off that drawing I started this morning, and I began to colour it with my crayons from my cupboard.
After 20 minutes, I had finished my colouring and I was moderately happy with it. My door opened and I turned my head to see my grandma with some curry in her hand whilst on the phone. She placed it on my cupboard next to the door as she smiled talking on the phone, I nodded a quick thankyou before she left. Not going to lie, I've been feeling unhappy with my weight recently. Like, I feel sort of fat I guess. My weight only recently began to be a problem. I walked up to the mirror, lifting my shirt looking at myself. All I could see when I looked in them mirror was ugly, it hurt. I usually avoid mirror in public. Plus I never talk about this type of shit, I bottle it up. I feel so embarrassed talking about my appearance for some reason. I walked away from the mirror, sliding my shirt off and sweats and got some shorts from my drawers and a loose shirt. I quickly changed into the clothes, throwing my other clothes into the wash basket.
I sat on my bed, bored. I put a spoonful of curry to my mouth whilst peering around the room, trying to think of something to do. I remembered Luna slipped me her number today, so I reached off the bed to my bag and lifted it over to me. I unzipped it, rummaging through it in search for the tiny slip of paper. I picked it out my bag, opening my phone and putting the number into my phone making a contact. All of a sudden, my phone screen turned black indicating it died. I sighed, throwing it across my bed falling back, I looked up at the clock seeing it was getting late so I strolled to the bathroom washing my face with some tea tree face wash before patting my face dry. I snatched my tooth brush and squeezed some tooth paste brushing my teeth.
After I finished, I spat in the sink and wandered over to the light turning it off. I jumped on to my bed, covering myself with the covers. My grandma was attending one of her social events so nobody else was in the house. I lied in my bed silently, looking at the natural light coming through the windows. The wind howled viciously, consequently slamming the window shut. I jumped, feeling my breath hitch. Promptly, I heard a distinct, high pitched cry coming from the spare room. A rat or a squirrel may have got in somehow I told myself, but the feeling in the pit of my stomach, told me otherwise. I was apprehensive. I shuddered and cowered lower beneath the covers, feeling almost paralysed with fear. I don't know what the fuck was happening, but something wasn't right. I couldn't move. I tried to move my body but I simply couldn't because I was that afraid. My door abruptly began to creak open, the squeaking filling my ears. I began to shake intensely due to the chilling image of the spare room across from my door. Heavy footsteps sounded from downstairs, someone was here. I couldn't even bring myself to speak a word. The sound of multiple footsteps began to sound closer to me, i squeezed my eyes shut until I heard a some what familiar voice in my room.
"Mystery hoodie?"
very late ino I been busy- mani