At 4 AM all the students were woken up by Aizawa. Due to U.A. wanting to keep the training camp a secret, Aldice was not allowed to be there. Which left them in the hands of Aizawa but that didn't mean the the group was any less of a mess, they did however promise Aldice they would behave.
Alexander was being pushed to be able to use his black lighting for long periods of time or at all. He was stuck with Tiger and Midoriya, and Tiger was honestly a bit creepy looking if Alex was being honest, constantly being thrown into hyper state only for Tiger to punch him out of it.
Rick was thrown to the wolves with Aizawa training him. He was learning how to use similar bandages just like Aizawa. But the teacher was not making it easy for Rick. He was basically beating the shit out of Rick. They hadn't even gotten to actually using and controlling the bandages.
"You have to be swift and in shape, even though your quirk helps others, it on the flip side doesn't help you out." Aizawa said as he threw a punch at Rick.
"How 'bout this?" Rick touched Aizawa's incoming fist. This sent the man's arm out of his own control. His arm had no control, which gave Rick a small advantage.
Syanna and Reina were grouped in with Momo and Sato, all of them eating and using their quirks. Syanna was making candles which Safieu was using. Reina was trying to beat her natural high state her quirk forced her into.
Safieu and Zero were using each other to push their quirks. Zero would freeze the area around them increasing the radius each time. Then Safieu would counter it by melting and setting fire to it all. There was steam forming around them all. They were moving quickly and pushing themselves to their limits. Frost was forming randomly on Zero's body and Safieu was sweating profusely.
"Not good enough!" Tiger shouted at Alexander, who had been going Hyperstate on and off for the past 45 minutes.
"It's no use. I just can't figure out how to use my black lightning." Alexander shook his head, his hands on his knees.
"That's no excuse!" As hard as he could, Tiger had punched Alexander as hard as he could in the gut, which sent him flying into a tree. "And you, wolf boy! I said carry two giant logs! I only see one log!" Tiger shouted at Joshua, who had been forcing himself to maintain his full wolf form for over an hour now. His body was beyond strained at this point.
"This guy is gonna be the death of me..." Joshua groaned, doing his absolute best to lift up another log.
"You and me both..." Alexander groaned.
Jonathan was floating himself around 30 feet in the air. He had a banging headache and he was barely able to keep himself up, let alone use his wind.
"I want death, someone kill me now!" Jonathan said as he hunched over into a ball and vomited on the ground.
Hecate was also with Tiger and was being forced to float two heavy boulders. She was sweating and barely able to stand.
"Rich girl! Pick up that other boulder!" Tiger yelled at her as he punched Joshua into the same tree he punched Alexander into, causing the wolf boy to land right on top of Alex.
"Owwww..." The two of them groaned.
"I can't handle it!" Hecate yelled as she dropped the two boulders and collapsed onto the ground.
"Weak! The lot of you!" Tiger yelled at all of them.
Shiro was being forced to take full on attacks from the duo made up of Tetsutetsu and Kirishima in order to expand the limit of kinetic energy that his body could handle. Needless to hurt like absolute hell.
"Can someone tell me why I need to be a punching bag??" Shiro questioned, ducking under another punch from Kirishima, only to get kneed in the chin by Tetsutetsu.
"Stop complaining!" Tiger yelled at him.
"Can somebody tell me why I'm being forced to use Hyperstate over and over again?" Alexander complained. "AND CAN SOMEONE GET THE FAT WOLF OFF OF ME?!"
"I'm trying to lose weight! Get off my ass!" Joshua countered.
"Says the one who is LITERALLY laying on top of me!" Alexander shot back.
"Both of you stop whining and get back to work! Or I'll put you to work!" Tiger yelled at the both of them.
"I'm hungry." Jonathan complained.
"Silence, you fool!" Tiger pointed a finger at Jonathan. "And get off the ground!"
Itsuki was pushing the warp quirk he had to his limits while managing other quirks he had copied like Zero's, Yakashi's, and one that he had recently copied, Safieu's. He was switching between each quirk and he was barely able to hold up. He had lost control of the warp quirk long ago and was just randomly warping places.
"I. Can't. Stop!" He shouted as he attempted to stop.
Yakashi was working on producing a whole bunch of mirages. He was slowly multiplying and making more and more mirages until he lost control over them and dropped to the ground, watching all his mirages disappear except for two.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't pummel you to the ground for waking me up." One of Yakashi's mirage said with a red void orb floating next to him.
"Because he decided to over use his quirk and create more than what he supposed to make, am I right?" The other mirage said with a blue void orb floating next to him and a serious.
"Aizawa, what the fuck am I supposed to do with these two?" Yakashi said with a concerned look.
"Firstly, ease up with the cursing. I'm not like Aldice. Secondly, continue to train with your mirages. That's the only way you're gonna improve." Aizawa said flatly, kicking away Rick when he attempted to sneak attack him.
Yakashi looks at the rage mirage and the serious one. "Okay first don't even think about doing anything stupid red orb and blue... I don't know help me train." Yakashi said going back to focusing on creating mirages while the other to stand by him and train with him.
The day continued very much like this. By the end of it they were all so exhausted to the point where they were barely able to stand. When it was time to eat, they all groaned when Pixie-Bob and Mandalay stated that they had to cook dinner for themselves.
"Safieu, can you come over here and help boil the water?" Midoriya asked as Safieu shook her head.
"Unless you want the water to catch fire, don't ask her to boil water." Zero warned him.
"Aw come on, she's the only other one besides Todoroki with a fire quirk that can help." Midoriya said with a frown.
"Fine, you're funeral. Not mine." Zero whistled and walked away.
Safieu rolled her eyes as she walked over to where they wanted her to boil the water. Somehow she managed to set the water on fire. Midoriya was shocked and so was everyone else.
"H-how?!" Midoriya exclaimed.
"Great job, fucking that simple task up, Hot-Head." Bakugou said as he laughed and walked by.
"I told you!" Zero said as he grabbed the pot with the water on fire.
"Okay...Safieu maybe you should go help peel the potatoes." Midoriya stated as Safieu just turned and walked away to help peel the potatoes, along with Zero.
Yakashi on the other hand is cutting up some of the fruits and vegetables he gathered up in the forest and separately splitting them into different pots. He added some spices to the pot with vegetables in it and added noodles too.
"This process would go a whole lot faster if Ms. Princess would get off her lazy ass!" Joshua yelled at her.
"I'm sorry, but only peasants cook. A princess such as myself should not stoop to that level." Hecate said with her legs crossed.
"Joshua, ignore her. She's on her ass cause she can't cook." Safieu said as she continued to peel potatoes.
"Excuse you, Hot-Head. I can cook." Hecate shot back.
"Okay, prove it than. Cook something. Go ahead." Safieu put down one of the pots of food she was carrying.
"I-I... screw you!" Hecate yelled as she crossed her arms defensively. "That's why you set water on fire."
"If you wanna go another round, that can be arranged!" Safieu said while clapping her hands. Zero walked up behind his sister and grabbed her.
"Nuh uh, cooking now, fight later." He said shooing her along. Safieu simply rolled her eyes as she went back to moving pots around.
"Who wants to try my furikake rice?" Rick asked with a toothy smile wearing an apron.
"That sounds like peasant food. I don't eat peasant food." Hecate shooed him away. "Begone with you."
"She's truly a bitch." Shiro said, half tempted to throw a cooking tool at her head.
"A heartless one at that." Syanna said back.
Hecate glared at them. "Actually, I will try your stupid peasant food!" She was only doing this to prove a point to all of them. "Idiots..." Hecate eyed the food suspiciously as she grabbed a spoon.
(Suuuure, Hecate. Whatever helps you sleep at night.~Narrator-san)
"Holy shit. She's actually gonna do it."
"Shhhhh. This is a momentous occasion." Rick's eyes sparkled with joy as he stares at Hecate. Hecate tasted the rice and was quickly transported to a world of awe. The taste of the rice exploded all over her tongue. The flavors of the rice danced with her as she mentally moaned with delight. She was finally brought back to reality as she looked at the rice and then at Rick.
"It's...okay." Hecate muttered as she threw the spoon at Rick and went back to sitting on her ass.
"Maybe I should've added more seasonings." Rick pondered. "I'd be happy to make more if you want." He looked at her with a toothy smile. Hecate glared at Rick.
Soon the cooking was finished and everyone sat down to eat. Everyone dug right in and began eating quickly. Zero and Safieu looked up with eyes shining.
"This is so delicious!" They said in unison. They looked at each other and glared.
"Stop that!"
"No you!"
"You're copying me!"
"I hate you!"
"No, I hate YOU!"
"Does this happen often?" Todoroki asked monotony.
"Not really. But when it does, it's funny." Alexander commented, his body still randomly crackling with electricity. He might have overdone it a bit during training.
"So how long does this usually last?" Midoriya asked, taking notes rapidly.
"A couple of hours...maybe more. We don't really keep track." Reina spoke up after being silent for god knows how long.
"Does anyone want more rice?" Rick asked the group.
"Pass it here peasant." Hecate said.
Rick happily skipped to Hecate, passing her a plate of the rice. "Here ya go!"
The rest of the day went surprisingly smooth. Dinner was eaten. Conversations were had, and Jonathan was still hungry. The Pussycats were setting up the next course, with Aizawa and Vlad. All seemed normal.
"The Vanguard Squad is officially ready to strike. Let's give these heroes a night they won't forget."