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"I write it down, but to read it doesn't work
Take it to town, but to be seen doesn't work
Smack it around, but that only make it worse
I make it worse"

The girl sang, shivering in the cold. She was lost again. She couldn't find her way back to the camp. She looked to the northern sky. Stars sparkled, the aurora borealis shimmering, as it danced like a ghost. She felt her stomach. She was starving. It beckoned for food, growling and such. Her pink nose and flushed cheeks glowing in the frigid air. Puffs of vapor came from her mouth, as she trembled. Her snow pants and boots were drenched, parka covered in ice, her hair had crystalline icicles interweaved in the blonde locks. Her beanie is wet as well, as she staggered through the three foot snow. She looked up, lights. Miles away. She looked at her last flare. She lit it, hoping whoever would see it would find her in time...or at least whatever was left if not, and landed face first in the snow. Passing out, as
Exhaustion, Hunger, and the cold overwhelmed her, blackness filling her vision.


"Miss Poindexter? Are you okay?"
"Who was that..."
"Come on, wake up..."
"Where am I..."
"Zy! Hun wake up please!"

And with a start, Zy woke. The girl was in the infirmary, she was under a thick, cotton blanket, and in a blue hospital gown. Her eyes burned. The fluorescent lights shone, the long bulbs casting a sterile, white light on everything. She looked around her. At her bedside was Irumina. The dark haired girl, with her green eyes and brown, smooth skin were tense and anxious, grey cap in her hands. One of the medical professionals were Mstanding next to the worried lady, his teal scrubs and white mask uniform and neatly pressed. He scrawled stuff down upon the clipboard. Zy felt her head. Her hair was up in a large single bun. She had a lot of hair, so it was odd to have so much in one large fluff. She felt fine. Really hungry and out of it, but okay nonetheless.
"What...what happened to me?" The blonde asked, beginning to stand. Her knees were weak and shaky, as she took the railing, and hoisted her large body. She flexed her arm in the process, finding that she hadn't lost any major body mass, in general she still looked healthy.
"That's a plus" Zy thought to herself, despite the fact she felt like she had been wasting away for a solid...
"Wait, what day is it?" She turned, head whipping around to the other two. Irumina set her hand on Zy's shoulder, and patted her gently.
"It's the twentieth of March, why?"
"I've been out for a WEEK?!?" Zy nearly fell, the other girl caught her, grunting.
"Yes, and we don't know what happened. You fell down outside the base, flare lit, head in the snow. You had an astronomical amount of what seemed to be frozen spinal fluid on you..." The Doctor explained, holding up a large vial of clear liquid, with a reddish tint to it.
"Thankfully it wasn't your own." He said, setting it down. While Zy pondered this, she got a hug from the side, a pair of arms wrapping around her, squeezing her stomach kind of hard.
"I-I...I was worried you wouldn't wake Zy..." Irumina said, her head on Zy's shoulder.
"You shouldn't have been too worried, I'm a fighter Mina..."

The Foundation: Issue 1: Levi and the NingenWhere stories live. Discover now