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Louie and Lena are laying in his bed, both scrolling through their phones. It was one of those boring Sundays. There was no adventure, no dart games in the hall. Everyone was off doing their own thing.

So here the two stayed, having their quiet Sunday. For a second Louie wondered where Webby was until he realized she was exploring some new vents she just discovered. He laughed at the thought of her finding secret passageways and squealing so loud half the world could hear her.

Lena turned her head, raising an eyebrow at him. "What are you laughing about, green?"

Louie grinned back at her. "Two words: Webby. Secret passageways."

"That's three words you dork!" she pushes him lightly, her laughter sending butterflies running in his stomach as he joins her.

They calm down just a few minutes later when they feel their hands brush each other. They both look down, watching their fingers intertwine so neatly as if they were meant to be together.

Louie looks back up at Lena with a light blush. "So..."

"So... let's just spend this terrible Sunday together."

And so they did.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now