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He rubbed his hands against his exposed tummy and thighs as he sway to the loud beat of the back ground music. His eyes remained close, taking in the heavily smoke polluted air that seemed to suffocate him. Yet he grew accustomed to it already. Finding the darkness of the club even too bright for his own liking- the darker it is the better for him. For the reason that the darkness is his only shield against the lust filled eyes of men and women who came to watch him dance.

He stretched his legs, kicking up slowly, exposing the little thong that manage to cover his fronts. He bitterly smile remembering how his late beloved mother lectured him seven years ago about how precious virginity and making love was and how it should only be given to the only person to whom he will deeply fall in love with.

He deeply sighed... how ironic life is? He now has a job of just giving pleasure to anyone who wanted it. Just anyone who could give him enough... just enough to support and pay for rent, and food and school fees of his little one.... And For SaintSuppapong, it was all worth it.

A hand suddenly grab his butt, squeezing it, and all he could do was to close his eyes and pretend that he loves the touch- when deep inside he was choking with disgust, already growing numb from all the disgusted things that happened to his life. He swayed harder, pretending and moaning as if the music was his favorite- when all it did was to remind him of who he was and what he was doing.

He was nearing the end of his performance, ending his steps quicker than the previous one when his eyes darted towards a certain man. Dressed in an obvious expensive tuxedo, hands holding the clubs most expensive liquor, wine glass and a bottle of the clubs most exquisite wine lay half empty on his table. His eyes met Saint's and he instantly felt nervous.

He was obviously not a patron of the club where he has been working for the past two years. It was only the first time for Saint to see him in there. Yet he knew what the guy's purpose was. The lust on his eyes while he stare at him was just enough for Saint to know what he came for- Saint.

Saint glided along the stage, walked passed everyone who would casually grab his arms, waist, and behind as if every part of him body belongs to them.

But his gaze remained at the now smirking man, too expensive for his taste. He was obviously staring at him darkly and Saint knew he needed to use him tonight. Saint smiled as he languidly and seductively took the empty seat right next to him- Much to the other men's protest and grunting.

"How long will this one needs his services?" Saint wondered.


He watched his broad back heavily rising and falling as he puff hard on the cigar on his hands. His face remained emotionless for the past hour, and Saint was growing tense every minute that pass by.

It was their 30th night together. The last night when their supposed to be contract has ended. The last night the guy is going to spend in Bangkok for he has to travel back to America where his main office is located. But the guy he have come to know as Perth Tanapon has no intention of letting him go. It was hard for him to let go of the opportunity that the businessman has offered him but Saint was far from agreeing.

Perth has offered him more money, a good shelter, a home for the two of them. But it didn't convince him to let go of the current life he has been living. He has someone else to live his life with. He knew Perth Tanapon won't let that someone get in between them.

Just like every man who promise to give him everything but gave him up... because he was committed to someone- someone whose life had been purely miserable. Someone who doesn't deserve any cruelty in this world.

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