The Boy Next Door

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{Silver's POV}

I sighed as I tried to finish off my Transfiguration project. "Albus!"

I called, finally annoyed, to the most annoying point of needing help. Albus walked into my room. "Yes my sister?"

He asked, deliberately deepening his voice to annoy me. "Oh just sit down."

I said, and he chuckled, and sat next to me. "What is the point? I do not see the point, of writing an essay about turning a beetle into a button."

"If you've already done it 50 times!"

I snapped and he looked at me.

"Quill." He said and I looked at him.

"Thank you." I said, and gave him the quill, and the ink bottle flew over to Mum, who now stood in the doorway.

"Bathilda's nephew has arrived."

"I ask you to be very respectful towards him as he is our neighbors nephew. He has no other family." And I looked at Albus, and he put the quill down gently on the table. "Alright."

And the boy was suddenly standing behind her. "Mum." I said quietly, and she looked over her shoulder and saw him standing there. "Hello there."

"You must be Gellert." She said, and he nodded slightly, and I could see the respect in his eyes.

"That best be right or else I'm in the wrong neighborhood." He said, and I smiled slightly, at his comment, and picked up my quill again.

I pointed my wand, at the ink bottle in my Mum's hand, and it flew over, to me, with a quick mutter of "Accio" under my breath.

I wrote the last part of the essay, and measured it. "Done." I said, and put the cork back, into the neck of the ink bottle.

I put my quill down, and looked at where my wand, now lay on my desk.

I picked it up and studied it.

Remembering very clearly, what Mr. Ollivander had said to me about it, before he handed it to me.

"Phoenix Feather Core, 16 inches."

"Oak Wood. Very pliable and well balanced, perfect for a Dumbledore such as yourself Silver." And I had paid and walked out.

I shook my head, in an attempt to completely clear the memory, away and out of my head.

I felt someone watching me, and my Leg Locker Curse almost hit Gellert, as my mother had called him. "Sorry." I said and he looked at me. "Didn't hit."

He said and I looked at him. "Good. Really am sorry about that." I said and Albus walked upstairs again.

"Children introduce yourselves."

Mum said, as she came up again.

"I'm Albus. This is my twin Silver." And I nodded slightly towards the boy. "Gellert Grindelwald."

And I shook his hand, followed quickly by Albus. "And we aren't children Mother Honestly." I said.

"Don't you talk to me like that young lady." Kendra said and I saw her wand in her hand.

I had my hand on my own. "Mum."

Albus said and I looked at him. "Stay out of it Al." I said quietly and I shut my eyes and heard the wand move.

I snapped my eyes open and blocked quickly, snapping out a full Body Bind Curse, before she could cast another curse at me. I lowered my wand and Albus looked from Mum to me.

"You really did have that covered."

He said and I shrugged. "Defense is my best class." I said and he tucked our Mum's wand back into her hand.

"I need to get out of here. Aberforth is watching Ariana. So..." Albus said, and I looked at him incredulously.

"Were you the one just attacked by your own mother?" I asked my twin and he looked at me. "Good point."

He said and I rolled my eyes.

"So where are we going then?"

And I jumped, having completely forgotten, that Gellert was standing there in the corner of my room.

"Well... We can get our brooms, out of the broomshed and go fly out back in the meadow."

I said, and Albus shrugged.

"Or we could duel on the beach."

He said and I looked at him.

"Alright." I said, and held my arm out. He grabbed it securely, and Gellert put his hand on top of ours. "Three." I said, and we apparated.

Gellert was standing a few feet away, looking perfectly fine. I was standing up, trying to get my wind back, and Albus was nowhere to be found.

"Albus!" I shouted and he laughed. "Thought you left me at home did you?" He asked, and I looked behind me, over my shoulder, at the clifftop.

"Very funny!"

I yelled up the cliff, and he laughed, as he came down very very carefully.

As I impatiently tapped my wand against my leg. "So. How does this dueling on the beach work?"

Gellert asked as I walked along the beach and he followed a step behind.

"We draw lines for boundaries."

"We use Disillusionment charms so we aren't spotted by Muggles, and we are allowed to use any curses except for the Unforgivables." I said and he looked at me. "Sounds interesting."

He said and I looked at him.

"So. Are you on for a duel then?" I asked and held my arms open, my wand in my right hand. "Or... Are you too scared to face a girl in a duel Grindelwald?"

I asked, smirking at him.

"I definitely am not. Especially when she suggests it." He said, and pulled his wand out.

"Even if she is an extraordinarily talented and powerful witch." And I raised my eyebrows.

"You truly have a tongue of silver, Gellert Grindelwald. Let's see if your dueling skills can match it." I said, and he looked at me and his neck cracked.

I held my wand at the ready, and so did he. "Stupefy" I thought, and the spell erupted out of my wand.

The fire that came out of his wand however, was truly terrifying. It turned into the head and jaws of a basilisk, and I threw up a protective shield and felt my eyes fill up with terror.


Albus shouted, running over to me.

As he felt my fear and terror, pulsing through him, as if it was his own fear and terror, not just mine.

I was shaking so much, that I had dropped my wand. I shut my eyes and began to shudder. "It's not real."

And Gellert walked over. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, real concern in his voice. "Basilisk."

I whispered as Albus picked up my wand. "It's her boggart." He said as I took my wand back from him.

"I'll be fine." I said, forcing my tears away. "I'll just watch." I said quietly and I went over to the cliff wall.

I made myself a sort of chair, in the rock wall, but it looked more and mostly like the beginning of a cave system as well. I sighed and found myself almost falling asleep.

"Hey Silver..." Albus started to say, but I was already asleep, curled up on the rocks.

"Oh well. I guess I'm apparating us home then." He said and gently picked me up. "I can carry her."

Gellert said, still feeling guilty about earlier clearly. "Sure." Albus said, and I murmured something.

Curling up in a tight ball as he handed me to Gellert who held me gently. But at the same time, tightly enough so I wouldn't be splinched too badly, or at all, by the Apparation back home.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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