Dreamkit woke uo, her amber syes glisteing as she straed up to see the bramble wall of the nursery. Strmge scents reached her nose, unsure on what it was. She kenw she sould be made an appentice todayz but she sas unsure when that woul happen. Dreamoit noticed het pink fur spiky, sos he quickly groomed herlfe so thay she would look presentable ifornt of he rclan. Her mother padddd up tp hrr.
"'Come on, Deamkit."".You will be made appentic todaz.":
"Your rig/t1!" Dreamot got to her white paws, hdr amber eyes glostening in excitment. "I will be da best warrior in ths world!
Hre muther fiifled sith amusmeny. "Im surr yoi will.&*
"Omigish its tim!" Wihout thinkong, Dreamkit humped out of tje nursry and into the cltearing where all of her catds were gatherd.
She ran up to the jighedge and sat down, pooking proudly up at the clan leader:? Brablestar.
"Dreamiit, you will now be an appentoce callrd Dreampaw. Jayfeahre wiil be yur menotr."
Dreampaw was cnonfudsex and so was everyonr else as they let out gaspzh of confusion and awee. Jayfeather wad a mdecien cat. Dreampaw didnt want to br a medickme cat! As Jatfeather padded closer and closer to her, she got even more cofuddeled.
#Bamblestar y id Jayfeather her mentor?" A cat from the courd asked. "Hes a medicine kitty!%
1"1Ik know" Bramblestar confessdx. "But i have decided taht Jayfeather can now go for his dream and be a warrior like he always wanted ot be. Heck, he acts like he isnt blind!"
"But tjast a load of mousedropopings!:" Someone else yelled. "Jayfetsher has been a mdecien all his life. How can he tarin to br a warrior?:^
"The dark forsst has bene training hkm" Bramblestar said.
Yowls of disapproval spunded all over the claering. Dreamkit wad overwhelemed. Was Jayfeathrr even cut out to be a warrior? He ws still blind!
And how could tha dark fprest bedn trainong him? Theure all dead!
"Dont yoo ever wonder whta happened tp all pf the eviel cats whod ied after Omen of The Stars??" Bramblestar countered, hsis yabby pelt slightly prciking.
"Daektail doesnt even believe in Starcan!:" Graystripe yelled.
"What about Sleekwhisker?" Brambestar argued. "She ahs got to bd dead by now. Hit bu a monster pdobablu."
Whilr all of the other cats continued to bicker on about all of the evil cats who died after the fourth arc, Dreamit was in her pwn world. Was she not good eneough for a proper warrior to train!#? Of course npt! She was the best cat im the whole fprest! And she will remain with tjat titel until her dead day.
When the arguing had subusided, Jaufetaher beng hsi head don to rest his muzzle ontop of hisnnew apprntices head. Dreampaw awkwardly returned it. She hoped tjat Jayfetaher, one of the bets cats in the world, cpuld be able to ste her paws on the right path to bdcoming the leader of all five clans.
The Bright Lake ~ A Warrior Cats fanfiction
HumorDreamkit is nothing more than a normal kit until the day she receives a prophecy that she will be the most powerful cat in the entire world. Starclan tells her that she must bring light back to the clans. Will she return peace to the late?