Oh my gosh guys, I'm really sorry for the late update! My schedule's been SOO cramped lately, so this is legit all I've had time to write (seriously, the chapter's only 1000 words). Thanks for the votes and for your comments, I appreciate it ALOT! Anyways, thank you for waiting so long, and please don't hate me for the chapter's short length (>o<)
Boromir found himself reeling back in fear as he suffered the brunt of the boy's murderous look. And he thought the white-haired one's glare was frightening! - though he'd never admit this out loud.
Many of those in the crowd broke into a cold sweat as their eyes shifted nervously between the soon-to-be dead man and the furious child - if it even was a child. Perhaps he was a monster wearing a young boy's skin? Honestly, they weren't so sure anymore.
Orange Nen burst forth from Gon's hand as he clenched his right fist, leaving a certain wizard bug eyed and bemused.
Elrond had not missed the way his old friend reacted. In fact, he had seen the same expression many times before when the old Istari was around Netero.
Though the Elf Lord himself couldn't see this 'Nen', he could most certainly sense its power. And just then, he had felt an immense eruption of power which seemed to radiate from the green-haired boys' fist.
Indeed, he was now thoroughly convinced that both young Gon and Killua would be more than enough aid for the Fellowship.
Elrond and the other watched with bated breath as Gon held his fist as he pulled his arm back.
"First comes rock!" he yelled.
Storm-like winds - along with killer intent - began to thrash wildly around Gon, threatening to tear apart anyone and/or anything that dared to approach. Spider cracks appeared on the ground as he continued to build up his Ren (A/N: It is Ren, right?).
"Such power," Elrond thought aloud, not even bothering to hide his astonishment.
Aragorn, who was also in awe of the boy's mystical power, couldn't help the feeling of concern that welled up in his chest. Not only concern for his fellow Man, but concern for the foreigner as well.
While fear continued to envelope the poor Man of Gondor, a certain white-haired teen slowly approached his enraged friend, completely unfazed by the rampant winds. Seething in anger, Gon just barely registered the gentle hand which was placed on his shoulder.
"Gon, that's enough..." Killua said softly, before directing his attention to Boromir. "Right, Jerk?"
"I-I, w-what was..." Boromir stuttered out. "Yes..."
As the Man's mind was still reeling from before, he hadn't even realised that he'd just been insulted.
After a moment, Gon's mood did a complete 180 as he finally came to his senses.
"Oh... K-Killua, thank you," Gon said hurriedly, fumbling around as he turned to Boromir and bowed lowly. "Sorry about that, Boromir-san! I was really about to kill you."
The blunt statement made many in the crowd wince, while the rest sweat dropped at the boy's sheepish expression.
"No," Boromir started. "It I who should apologise... I let my arrogance get the better of me. I shouldn't have doubted you or Gandalf's word. You truly are worthy adversary," the Gondorian finished while giving a bow of his own.
Killua scoffed as Gon smiled widely and gave Boromir the peace sign.
With the match over, slowly but surely, all the observing Elves returned to their own training - muttering hurriedly in Elvish as they did so -, though not without tossing Gon questioning looks, as if he was a puzzle which refused to be solved.
Now, only the Fellowship and Elrond were left standing.
Nobody said or did anything. They only stared openly at Gon with dazed expressions, mouths slightly agape.
Elrond loudly cleared his throat to get the Fellowship's attention.
"Now that Gon here has no doubt proved his worth, does anyone have any further quarrels with him and Killua joining the Fellowship?" the ancient Elf asked.
As he and Gandalf had been expecting, no one openly voiced their disapproval - if only because they now saw both boys as downright terrifying.
"Very well, let us head to lunch," Elrond declared dramatically, deciding to lead the way to the Great Hall, closely followed by the Fellowship as he did so (A/N: I have absolutely no idea what it's actually supposed to be called. Oops?).
It didn't take long before the Hobbit's began showered Gon with an assortment of questions, all of which he answered with the word, "Training."
This, of course, left Killua both pleasantly surprised and proud at Gon's evasive skills.
One thing led to another and Sam, Frodo and Gon somehow ended up having a thorough, in-depth conversation about herbs, while Pippin and Merry were pouting at being ignored.
Unlike Gon, Killua wasn't quite up for small talk - he hated small talk - and so he chose to walk in the back with the boring people. These people being none other than Legolas and Aragorn, of course.
After a moment of silence, Aragorn decided to take advantage of the situation and speak up.
"I couldn't help but notice," Aragorn stated, trying to act as casual as possible, "that there's something different about the two of you,"
This was the first time the Ranger had actually addressed the strange, white-haired boy, but he needed answers. And, if Legolas' side glances were anything to go off, Aragorn had doubt that the Mirkwood Elf had felt the same way.
"Oh?" Killua questioned, not really caring what the man was trying to say.
It took every single ounce of his willpower to not say something along the lines of, 'I wasn't aware that it was ANY OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!'
"Indeed," Legolas butted in. "If you don't mind me asking, what have you two done these past six weeks?"
Killua's expression immediately turned dark, making both Legolas and Aragorn recoil.
"It wasn't what we did," the ex-assassin said quietly as he stared at Gon's back. "...it was what our enemies did."
Giving neither Aragorn nor Legolas any time to respond, Killua disappeared instantly, only appearing as a blur for a split second, before seemingly popping into existence next to Gandalf.
A beat of silence.
The Man and Elf exchanged bemused looks, and at that very moment, they shared the same thought.
'Who are these children?'
And that's a wrap! (yes, that's all there is... no, I'm not joking) Okay, watcha think? Let me know in the comments! I'm not even gonna attempt to guess when I can update next, just know it can take up to 2 months max (or even more if i feel uninspired). On a good note, I've only got 2 exams and 2 assessments left (which should take me about a month to finish), sooo, I MIGHT be able to write the next chappie after then. Welp, I gotta go study for my Physics exam, byeeee!

(LOTR X HxH) Lord of the Rings, Fishing Rods and Yoyo's
FanfictionGandalf sends a letter to Netero asking for help. However, Gandalf didn't expect that Netero would send two 13 year old boys. How can a pair of teenagers help the Fellowship? Well, he's about to find out. BEWARE; there will be SPOILERS for Hunter X...