Chapter 4

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I have a little group that I stay with. We trust each other and will be there to protect each other.

We have been together from the 4th week of when this happened, but some I was already friends with.

Once, we went out on a food run, everything was going well until a massive hurd of those things came out of nowhere.

They got Jake, we tried to get him back.

But it was too late.

Those things had already torn him apart. My group and I had to witness it happen.

Jake was such a good friend and help to the group, he was funny, caring and quite smart and tactical. If he saw them coming he would've known what to do straight away. But he didn't. All because of me.

If only I believed him when he said that he heard something. I just told him it was nothing and that he was hearing stuff, I'm guessing he thought I was right too as he is now probably still lay on that floor, in pieces.

It is my fault he's dead and I'm never going to forgive myself.


Dudes I'm ill asf. So I thought I would write this to get my mind off the pain.

I know this is shitty and I'm sorry, I'll try my best to get better💜

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