Chapter Thirteen

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*Amelia POV*
I met up with the guys outside my school and I saw Jimin smiling at me.

"Well are you ready to go?" He smiled, his eyes crinkled up into an eye smile. It was the most adorable thing I ever saw.

"Yes, I'm ready" I smiled back.

He took my hand gently and I pictured my wings in my head and like before they appeared. The pearl white wing shining in the moonlight while the black one remaining dull and black.

The rest of the boys made their wings appear and we flew up into the sky together.

We gained altitude until I saw a white light in front of us.

"Jimin, what's that light?" I pointed to it.

"Oh, that's the portal to reach the angel kingdom. Hold my hand tight because it can be quite dangerous at times" he smiled.

I nodded my head, him taking my hand into his making me blush a crimson red colour. He noticed and giggled next to me until I gently slapped his arm which made him pout. I laughed at his cuteness, he's such a little cutie.

We reached the portal and Jungkook lead the way, going through first. All the other guys followed him until me and Jimin was left.

"Are you ready?"

I looked back behind me to see my city sparkling with all the night lights, thinking about my adoption family. I nodded and Jimin slowly led me into the portal.

Jimin was right. It did feel dangerous but the whole time I held onto Jimin's hand tightly like he asked me to and it did comfort me. Feeling his small fingers interlocked with mine made me feel safe.

A sudden beam of light blinded us and within seconds I found myself lying on some grass with....Jimin laid on top of me.

His eyes stared into mine, both our faces turning red. "S-sorry" he said while getting off me embarrassed and pulling me up with him.

I looked forward once stood up and saw all 6 guys winking and smirking at me and Jimin.

"Did you plan that Jimin?" Jin oppa said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Aish! Stop it hyung!" Jimin said embarrassed while I hid behind him, hiding my also red face.

I peeked out from behind Jimin to see if the other guys had stopped and to my amazement, I saw a beautiful palace in the distance.

"Is that it...? My new home?" I stood and gawked at the elegant building in the distance.

"Yep, now come on, let's go and show you around" Jimin smiled and pulled me with him to catch up to the rest of the boys.

I was amazed at the beauty of everything around me. The trees and flowers looked pretty, almost fake. The blue sky with fluffy clouds distributed throughout. The golden sun beating down on everything, it's warm rays touching everything in sight.

It was just a beautiful place.

*Later that day, still Amelia's POV*
After being shown around the castle, the boys lead me to the main hall, the ceiling standing hundreds of feet tall above me.

"Umm...guys?" I called out to them. They all turned to look at me, waiting for me to talk.

"Um...where is my dad?" I asked curiously.

They all exchanged glances with each other. "Amelia...he lives in the demon world..." Namjoon oppa said with a stern face.

"...I want to go see him"

They all looked at me shocked. "That's not a good idea Amelia" Jungkook said, shaking his head. "Never go there, it's not safe there for you"

Disappointed, I nodded my head.

"Hey. Look at me" Jimin said softly, lifting my head up.

My eyes locked with his until he said gently "You don't need your dad, you have us" he showed me his cute eye smile.

"Alright" I replied breaking the eye contact. Even though they say that he's dangerous, I believe he wouldn't be so cruel, especially towards me. After all, everyone has some kindness in them. Right?

"Anyway we have something to do, we'll see you later. Okay?" Jimin kissed my cheek which made me blush.

"O-okay, see you later" flustered, I waved to them all.

Once I saw that they had gone, I felt a slight tap on my left shoulder. I turned to see a pretty girl in front of me. She looked a bit older than me...

"Hello Princess, my name is Jennie, I'm your lady maid" the girl smiled.

"Oh...I see. You don't need to call me 'Princess' Jennie, just call me Amelia".

"I'm sorry but I must refer to you as 'Princess'. Now come with me, I'll show you to your room" and with that she gently grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her.

After walking down a huge hallway, we stopped at a giant door. "This is your room Princess".

"Please...just call me Amelia" I was starting to get slightly irritated.


"Please?" I started pouting to her.

"Alright...A-Amelia" she said, embarrassed.

I smiled "Thank you".

Jennie opened the door and ventured me to go inside the room.

I was shocked at the sight in front of me.

"What? Do you not like it A-Amelia? We can always move rooms for you?" Jennie started to panic, thinking I hated it.

"No...I love I!" I grinned.

A/n: image of Amelia's room in the media.

In front of me I saw a amazing four poster bed, to my left was an endless wardrobe of pretty clothes and shoes and to my right was another gigantic door which I guessed lead to the bathroom.

"It's amazing, thank you Jennie" I smiled at her.

"Your welcome Prince-i mean Amelia" she stuttered.

I giggled at her cuteness and jumped onto my bed.

"Omo! It's so comfy!" I grinned at her.

"I'm glad" Jennie grinned too. "Oh yeah, Amelia there's a ball tonight for your welcoming so we need to pick a dress for you. You'll also be meeting the queen..."

"Really?" I wondered. I started to imagine how my birth eomma would look. I imagined her with a kind looking face and being really pretty.

"Yes so let's start getting ready! I'll help you" beamed Jennie.

I've never been to a ball in my life. I wonder if Jimin and the boys will be there...just thinking about Jimin makes me nervous.

Is this what people call love?...

*End of Chapter*
A/n: I'm so sorry for the delay guys! I've been so busy with my private life as I mentioned in my Taehyung FF that I haven't been in a good frame of mind to write anything. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed!

Saranghae! ❤️

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