Friendship For Dummies: One-Shot Competition:

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(Based off of the book by "leigh_" called "Friendship for Dummies")

    I brushed a curly tendril of my hair behind my ear, letting out a breath as I reached for one of the last remaining boxes. Pulling the brown cardboard to my chest, I used my knee to get a better grip of it.

   As I marched toward the apartment complex, my gaze centered on the front door that I knew Connor would be coming out of soon (but not soon enough), I heard the sound of a car pulling into the space next to Connor’s.

   Reluctantly, I threw my head over my shoulder, curious despite myself. Immediately, I recognize the car as my brother’s and smile as he swings his long legs out of the drivers seat.

   Brandon’s face pulls into a happy smile as he closes his door and locks it, before sprinting over me. My smile turns in a confused frown as I notice that Macy wasn’t rushing up to me with the latest tail of their little girl Emily.

   “Where’s Macy?” I question, moving the box in my arms around to a more comfortable position.

   Brandon’s smile grows much wider at her name, “Emily’s got her first birthday party alone and Macy couldn’t resist going along.”

   “Why didn’t you go?” I wonder as my smile falls back onto my face, a place it’s been very often since Connor and I have been together.

   Brandon shakes his head, his spiky brown hair not moving an inch with the amount of products he’s administered to it. “I love Emily, but I’d much prefer to be around my annoying little sister than a bunch of screaming kids.”

   I chuckled for a moment, and then frowned the next. “Wait…I’m not annoying!” I protest, wishing I’d had my arms free as to hit him.

   “I agree,” a beautifully familiar voice said, sounding slightly amused as it got closer.

   My heart sped up and a grin stretched across my face so wide I was surprised that it didn’t split my face in two. Before I could turn and question who he was agreeing with, his arms snaked around my waist. “Hey,” he murmured, his breath skating across my skin, making me shiver with happiness despite the hot, humid air outside.

   “H-hi,” I stammered, my eyes closing slightly at the rush of emotion flooding through me like a tidal wave.

   Moving in together was a large step in our relationship, but I was extremely eager (perhaps too eager) to take it. Much to my surprise, Connor seemed just as willing as me, maybe even more.

   I felt Connor’s stomach move against my back as he chuckled into my ear. My eyes opened, and upon seeing an amused smirk on Brandon’s face, I flushed, feeling my face heat up in it’s best shade of scarlet.

   “Shut up!” I hissed sharply at him. But not a second later, a small smile sat itself happily on my face. “I hate you guys,” I mused, pulling out of Connor’s embrace.

   As I back away from the duo in order to see Connor’s face, I almost giggled at the frown sitting on it. As my smile grew wider, I pulled the box closer to my chest. As soon as Connor saw my playful smile, his frown bloomed into the smile that I could stare at forever, the one I’d committed to mind since day one.

   “Hey!” Brandon interrupted, putting his hands in the air, “please, don’t start a fight over me.”

   I opened my mouth to say something snippy, but Connor beat me to it. “I was agreeing with Georgie, Brandon.” He was looking at me as he said it, and I felt my heart skip a beat as his gaze made me feel like he was kissing me with his eyes.

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