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Yoongi knows he shouldn't be doing this.

He knows he'll get in trouble.

Yet here he is at the entrance of Satan's giant-ass castle, staring up and up till he reaches the end.

But dammit he can't even see the tip of this too tall building.

If only his height was at least half of this tower. Was that too much to ask? Probably not, right?

"State your business."

The squeaky voice made Yoongi turn around and around, looking for the source. Where was it?

A clear of the throat then "Down here please."

He looks down and indeed there was a goblin well-dressed in a tux, its beady eyes fixated on Yoongi's figure.

Yoongi can't help it.

He bursts out laughing because well damn here was a dude that was actually shorter than him! Oh joy!

But then he can't feel his mouth anymore, and he frantically feels for his fleshy lips he realizes with horror that it's gone!

His brows join in frustration as he stares at the goblin who stares back equally hard.

"No need to mention I'm short!" he huffs, before flicking his hand a second time to return Yoongi's mouth.

The goblin calms down before trying again.


"I'm here to talk to Satan," Yoongi answers.

"What kind of business?"

Yoongi scratches his hair. "And why should I tell that to you?"

"I'm his advisor, therefore I should know."

"Well I'm not under your command so can you please call him? It's really urgent."

"Well I'm not letting you through till you tell me what it's all about."

Back and forth they went, before the devil himself appeared wearing almost nothing, back to his daily attire.

"Who dares interrupt?" he booms out angrily, eyes a frightening shade of fire.

The goblin cowers in fear before stuttering out "A- a g-guest your highness."

Satan's eyes turn on Yoongi, and he asks angrily "What is it you want, human?"

Yoongi's naturally irritable so he bites back "I need to speak to you in private, king. This is urgent, and it concerns Hoseok."

Satan finally goes back to his normal size, but his eyes are still flaring.

He huffs out air through his pointed nostrils before opening the large doors of his castle, stalking inside followed by Yoongi and the goblin, who left shortly after.

Satan slumps on his skeleton throne, bored gaze going around his castle.

"What do you want Min Yoongi?"

"Is there any way we can leave hell?"

The question made the devil snap his head to the mint-haired man, shock covering his features. It then dissolves to show fury, and he explodes.


Yoongi could feel his muscles ringing at the loudness of his voice, and his hair was in disarray because of the air he used to shout. But when he opened his eyes he instantly knew that it was a bad idea, for he was staring straight at the black abyss that is Satan's eyes. And he swears he has never been more scared in his afterlife than this right now.

Chills crawled up and down his spine, and his hands felt cold and clammy all of a sudden. He can't breathe nor swallow, and he wonders briefly if this is how true punishment really feels like.

Then Satan goes back again to his normal form, and he hisses out a string of curses Yoongi's sure to be directed to him.

"Such absurd thinking Yoongi-ssi," he says before sitting down again on his throne. He taps his chin in thought.

"You know, economists are saying that World War III will all be about water." At Yoongi's confused gaze he elaborates "Water is a very important thing for mankind wouldn't you say? We use it in our every day lives. The people don't notice how vital it is for their survival. But what happens if the water supply finally shortens?" There's a glint in his eyes. "Chaos, is what. People fighting over the supply since all of them are greedy bastards, selfish and hungry for power. Wouldn't you agree?" He hums the last and looks at the human before him, who nods dumbly.

"Why are you telling me this?" he croaks, voice suddenly hoarse.

"Oh, just sharing how capable I am to destroying anyone's lives if you happen to cross me." He said this with nonchalance, but beneath the bored tone there lies a warning.

"Now begone, and don't talk to me about such matters ever again!"

And with a snap of the finger, Yoongi disappeared.

Only to reappear on a land full of sand.

"The fucking hell is this huh?" Yoongi can't help but say. "Is he expecting me to fast, too?"

Muttering incoherent things all the way, he trudged home.

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