part 1

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A sigh escaped Ryan as he struggled to lift the last suitcase into the back of the pearl colored SUV. Most of this stuff was Brendon's. Ryan was a light traveler. He had but one backpack full of the essentials: Face and body wash, a travel toothbrush ( left his electric one at home ) and a travel sized tube of toothpaste. Plus one outfit for every two days. ( He felt fairly confident in his ability to stay clean, and had a system where he alternated outfits day to day. ) They were leaving for 7 days. It was mid June, Ryan's absolute favorite time of the year. He couldn't explain his passion for summer if he tried. It just gave him a feeling of contentment in his young soul; Freedom. Brendon, on the other hand, had to have everything planned perfectly. Ryan was just fine with hopping on the highway and just following the bends it threw at him. Brendon had maps planned out and picked out the best places to stop. He had the fastest routes to get to where they were going ( Colorado ) all memorized. He traveled heavy. Two outfits per day since he wasn't comfortable sleeping in what he wore the previous day. He brought with him " fun car activities " which they both know they never used when they traveled, but Brendon always brought anyway. He brought snacks galore, which Ryan didnt get because gas stations existed.
Brendon was also all about saving money, so he had picked out the cheapest places to eat, crash, exetera. Ryan was more a believer of just sleeping in the car.
Needless to say, they were polar opposites when it came to this sort of thing.

Ryan pulled down the back door if the SUV and heard the latch, meaning all was well and all the bags had fit perfectly in the back. Brendon ran out of the house, collection of CDs, pocket phone chargers, ( even though they had one attached to the car ) HD cameras ( for better than phone quality photos, ) and of course blankets in his arms. Ryan appreciated Brendon's commitment even if he didn't feel it necessary when he traveled alone. It was better to be safe than sorry, wasn't it?
Brendon dumped the pile of things into the back seat, not quite the trunk area where the bags were, that was it was all still reachable. Ryan got into the drivers seat, an appointed look resurrecting on Brendon's face. ( Driving on highways terrified him. 80 miles per hour was fast, after all, and he was only 19. Driving by himself for only 3 years. Ryan was already 21 and had two years of experience on Brendon. PLUS! THAT MEANT HE GOT TO LOOK OUT THE WINDOW! ) Ryan didn't mind driving. Of course they'd alternate despite not Brendon wanting to. Colorado was a 2 day drive from where they were in Nevada, so the boys made themselves comfortable as Ryan put the car in reverse, checking his mirrors cautiously as he backed out of the driveway.

Sksksks I hope you guys liked the first chapter. I know there wasn't any diologue, but don't worry,,,,, there will be. It's about to get interesting. Not sure when I'll update it, but yeeyee :)))

( Ryden ) miles from nowhere Where stories live. Discover now