The Goat Mom

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Frisk POV

"Are you ok my child? What horrible creature torturing such a small and innocent soul... Come child... I'll guide you through the catacombs.." The goat lady said. I decided to follow her, not because I trusted her, because I didn't, but because she saved my life. "Your the first human to come here in a long time..." She said as I stayed quiet and stared down sadly. "Well... My name is Toriel. I'm the guardian of these ruins..." I look up at her and say my first word. "Toriel..?" She looked down at me excitedly and smiled. "Yes! That is correct my child!" That name... It sounded so.. I don't know... Familiar. I thought before I looked at her more and more often as we walked to who knows where. She suddenly stopped and I looked around to see buttons. "Welcome to your new home innocent one.. allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins." She walked onto four buttons and clicked on a switch. "The ruins are full of puzzles. Ancient fusions between diversions and door keys. One must solve them to move from room to room. Please adjust yourself to the sight of them. Come now child.." She walked into the second room as I memorize the puzzle. I look up and see a paper so I go up to it and read: * Only the fearless may proceed.
* Brave ones. Foolish ones.
* Both walk not the middle road.

The sign gave me chills of caution but I proceeded anyway. I walk Into the second room and find Toriel waiting for me next to the door. "To make progress here, you will need to trigger several switches. Do not worry... I have labeled the one you need to flip." Toriel walked to the the first switch and I followed behind her. I see the switch and I flip it. We move on to the next switch and I tugged on it. Spikes fell down into holes as I did so. "Splendid! I am proud of you little one! Let us go on.." She says as she walked into another room. I walked behind her and I notice a dummy standing strong and bold. "As a human living in the UNDERGROUND.. MONSTERS may try to attack you..  You will need to be prepared for this situation.. When you encounter a MONSTER you will enter a FIGHT. But,  while your in a fight.. strike up a friendly conversation. As you stall it.. I shall come in and help you. Practice talking to this dummy." We both walk up to the dummy. I could feel my soul being pushed out of me as I encountered the dummy. As soon as I reached the dummy my soul was out and I was able to move it around. I gasped and looked up immediately to see everything was black. There were four choices in front of me.
* Fight
* Act
* Item
* Mercy

I looked around and saw a box on top of the choices. I clicked on "* Act" and the box pulled up some words.

* Check
* Talk

I clicked on * Talk and the words in the box changed again.

* You talked to the dummy.
* . . .

I clicked on the big box.

* The dummy doesn't seem much for conversation.
* Toriel seems happy with you.

* You won! You've earned 0 XP and 0 gold.

My soul went back inside of me and everything went back to its original color. "Ah- very good.. you are very good." She walked into the next room and I stared at the dummy for a couple of seconds before kicking it. The dummy landed on the ground and it turned to dust. I smiled under my breath and walked into the next room.

"There is another puzzle in this room.. I wonder if you can solve it..." She started to walk forward. As soon as we got into a hallway, I encountered a MONSTER.

* Froggit attacks you.

I quickly slammed my hand into the * fight button and hit the box when the yellow line got to the middle of it.

* You won!
* You earned 10 XP and 20 Gold.
* Your love has increased.

Luckily Toriel didn't see me kill that Froggit. I walked up behind her and she took me by my hand. "This way my child." We went through this spikey puzzle. I thought I was gonna get hit by one so I stayed really close to Toriel. "Puzzles seem a little to dangerous for now.." We both reach the end of the spikey puzzle and proceed.

[Sorry this took long... I was thinking wether I should write more or not, again I'm sorry!]

              (780 words!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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