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It had been a rough and tiring week for me, but I managed to get through it, with the help of my parents and in-laws. Legend required so much care and I didn't realize how hard it would be, until I had to do this by myself, but I wasn't complaining. I enjoyed spending quality time with my son, even though he refused to be put on a set schedule. This boy is already hard headed like his damn mama!

My parents had bathed him and got him ready for bed, leaving me to feed, burp, and put him to sleep. They ended up going out to dinner, since the kids has basically eaten up everything in the house. My in-laws planned on going grocery shopping in the morning, so at least I didn't have to add that to my list of things to do.

After feeding and burping Legend, he was officially milk drunk, falling asleep on my chest; as I fell asleep watching something on TV. I felt like it was the most sleep I had gotten in a week, but I could barely get myself to fully go to sleep; with the fear that I would roll over and suffocate my son.

Hearing my phone ringing loudly, made me jerk awake, as I looked down at Legend that was still fast asleep.

"Hey, careful." Ivy whispered, as I motioned for her to grab him. She did so, laying him down in his bassinet, as I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I yawned, stretching my body out.

"Gabe, she's waking up!" My mother in law shrieked, as I quickly sat up.

"Are you serious?!" I questioned, as she started crying happy tears and telling me to get my ass up there asap. "Okay...okay, I'm on my way!" I hung up the phone and scrambled out of bed, sliding on my Nike slides, and rushing towards my dresser to look for my car keys.

"Gabe? What's going on?" Ivy asked me.

"That was Bella's mom and she said Bella is starting to wake up!" I told her, as I continued looking for my keys. I heard her gasped, as I finally found my keys, turning around and facing her. "I hate to ask, but my parents went out to dinner, so could you-"

"Of course, of course! Go be with your wife, but please be careful because it's storming pretty bad outside." I felt bad leaving my son with Ivy, especially when she had her own baby to deal with, but it was storming bad outside and I didn't want to bring him out in all of this.

Giving her a tight hug, I rushed out of the house, quickly hopping into my car and carefully but quickly driving to the hospital. My heart was racing, feeling as if I couldn't see my wife's beautiful face fast enough, even though I had seen her earlier today. Only difference is, she wasn't awake then, but she is now. That made my heart skip a beat.

When I arrived at the hospital, I ran inside, running as fast as I could until I got to the elevator. I was so anxious to see my baby and I just missed her ass something serious. Running down the hallway, I burst into her hospital room, seeing her sitting up in her bed talking to her parents.

"Baby!" I said, rushing over towards her, and wrapping my arms around her.

"Hi baby." She said, as my eyes filled with tears. I pulled back, placing my hands on her face, kissing her passionately. "I know I've been out for awhile, so I'm sure my breath is pretty foul."

"I didn't even notice." She wiped my falling tears, kissing my once again, as her dad cleared his voice loudly.

"Did you forget we were here, son?" He questioned.

"Kind of, yeah." I answered honestly.

"Dean, he missed his wife, just like we missed our daughter. Don't act like we weren't just showering her with kisses not even ten minutes ago." Her mom said. "Come on, let's give them some privacy. I'm sure Mila is still up and we can tell her the good news." We waited until they left the room, as I sat on the side of her bed.

"So...what happened?" She asked.

"You don't remember?"

"I mean...I remember that I gave birth to our son and...oh my God! Where is he? Where's Legend? Is he okay?" She asked, freaking out completely.

"Baby calm down, calm down. He's perfectly fine and he's home waiting to meet his beautiful mama." I told her, as she smiled. "I seriously thought I lost you, Bella. When your heart stopped...I had never been so scared in my life. I didn't want to leave you, but they forced me to do so."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that babe. I know it was hard for you."

"You have no idea. All I could think about was the worse case scenario, but my parents and your parents refused to let me do so. They've been helping me out so much and I can't even begin to thank them for that." I placed a kiss on her hand, looking up at her, as she smiled down at me. The color in her face was slowly coming back and I couldn't wait until she could come home with me.

"Do you have pictures of him?" She asked.

"Of course. I've taken pictures of him from the moment he was born, just so you wouldn't feel as if you miss out on anything." I said, showing her pictures of our son.

"Look at him! He's so beautiful!" Tears started falling down her cheeks, as I reached up and wiped them away. "Oh my God, he has your eyes!"

"I know right, but he looks exactly like you." I huffed, making her laugh.

"He does, doesn't he?" She smiled, sticking her tongue out at me. For the rest of the time, we talked and looked at pictures of Legend, all while snuggling up together in her small hospital bed. I knew I couldn't stay as long as I wanted to, only because I had left Legend home with Ivy, but I had promised Bella that I'd be back first thing in the morning with our son. My family was finally back together and I promised myself that I will cherish every single moment with them for the rest of my life. 

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