Untitled Part 11

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Oliver made his way back to Felicity and then took her by the arm and leading her out of the booth.

"Oliver what happened? Why did you not want me to turn around?"

"There was a man here by the name of Deadshot. He was looking for you." She could see the seriousness in Oliver's eyes.

"How did he find me?" She whispered the words emphatically as she glanced around the diner. "I have been very careful."

""He must have somebody good on his payroll." Oliver grimaced. If Floyd was able to find them, heaven only knew who else was on their way.

Oliver took out his phone and called John as he held onto Felicity's hand and led her back to her apartment. They decided Oliver would call him later and talk but for now he was taking Felicity home.

"Why are we leaving Oliver?" She was trying to keep up with is long strides as she looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Because Lawton got too close. Luckily I was able to convince him to leave." Oliver kept looking around as they walked. He didn't want to miss anything.

"How did you convince him?"

"Lawton and I have a history."

"What do you mean you have a history?" Felicity needed to know why a killer for hire would just walk away from a contract.

"We will talk more when we get to your apartment." Oliver gave one last look around as they headed into her apartment. Once the door was shut behind them and the alarm set, Felicity turned to Oliver.

"Alright spill it."

Oliver turned to her; he might as well tell her. "Two years ago, I was working a contract in The Glades. The man I had been sent to kill was a man by the name of James Mathison. He was a drug lord that was known to sell drugs to kids. When he found out he was being targeted for a hit he hired Lawton for protection. The day I made my move Lawton and I ended up going against each other and......" Oliver stopped because he was not sure if she could handle the next part. What would she think of him?

"And?" Felicity waited patiently. She needed to hear the rest.

Oliver decided he was going to tell her and deal with the consequences. "When he pulled his gun, I drew my knife and sent it flying before he could shoot. It hit him in the eye, blinding him. I incapacitated him and then was able to get to my target."

Oliver looked down at the ground. In his head he knew that Felicity understood exactly what he did for a living but having to tell her about a kill was a lot harder than he thought it would be. He finally looked up at her hoping he would not see disgust in her eyes. She surprised him.

Felicity walked over and placed her hands on his face as he had done to her, making him look at her, "Thank you for sharing that Oliver. I know it was not easy." She kissed him softly. "And thank you for protecting me today."

"Felicity I want you to go into A.R.G.U.S., protective custody." Oliver felt her close off as she took a step back.

"We have had this discussion already Oliver and the answer is still no."

"Felicity, there are going to be more men coming. Your husband is going to move hell to find you."

Felicity knew he was right, but she was tired of putting her life on hold and hiding. She was tired of continuously looking over her shoulder and holing herself up in her apartment in fear.

"I hear what you are saying Oliver and I know it makes sense, but I just can't. I can't keep letting him control my life. Do you understand that?"

Oliver let out a breath. Of course, he understood what she was saying, but his first instinct was to keep her safe. "Then you need to be able to protect yourself. Do you know how to shoot a gun?"

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Felicity looked at him stunned, "Ummm, no."

"Well you are going to learn starting tomorrow. I can only be with you so much Felicity and I want you to be able to protect yourself, just in case."

"Just in case what?"

"In case anything were to happen to me."

"Oliver don't......." She could not think of that right now. The thought of not having him in her life made her sick.

"Trust me Felicity, I don't plan on going anywhere or anything happening but just in case, ok?"

Oliver walked over and took her in his arms holding her close. He would talk to John and Lyla tonight but tomorrow he was taking her out and teaching her to shoot a gun.


Oliver had just gotten off the phone with John and they were both on board about Felicity shooting a gun. She had gone to take a bath and get ready for bed while he was on the phone and now that he was done, for the first time, he was not sure what to do.

Yes, he was staying with her and they had been together sexually, but he didn't want to just assume that she wanted him to stay with her in her room. He walked over and sat down on the couch running his hands over his face. He thought about the feelings he was experiencing and how he felt when he saw Lawton walk through that door. His adrenaline had shot through the roof. He leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes letting the exhaustion take over.

Felicity stepped out of the tub and dried herself off with a towel looking in the mirror as she always did at her scars. When Oliver had kissed her in all those places that David had abused it had shown her that she was still desirable, and he had made her feel loved. She wrapped the towel around her body before walking into the bedroom and when she did not see Oliver she walked down the hall to the living room.

Oliver was sitting on the couch, his head leaned back, and eyes closed, and Felicity's eyes lovingly traced his profile. He was so very handsome that it made her heartache. She quietly moved around to the front and when he opened his eyes and looked at her his eyes flared with emotion.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I didn't want to assume that you wanted me to sleep with you."

Felicity stared into his eyes and then opened her towel, dropping it to the floor. She stepped forward and straddled his lap and Oliver could not take his eyes off her. She wound her arms around his neck and settled onto him, and when his hands touched her hips her skin erupted with goose bumps.

"I want you to sleep with me Oliver."

He let his hands slide over her skin moving from her hips up her chest and over her breasts to her shoulders and Felicity's nipples hardened immediately. She placed her hands over his and his eyes darkened as she guided his hands back down until they were cupping her breasts. She slowly started to squeeze his hands and he got the hint, kneading her breasts as she started to move her hips on him. She was moaning and gasping at the feel of his hands and she felt an ache begin between her legs.

Oliver grew hard beneath her as she continued to grind on him. her naked and him clothed being the most erotic thing he had ever seen. He loved watching her take her pleasure on him and when she started to move her hips faster, her breath panting, her cheeks blushed with desire, her core rubbing against his hard length, he had to stop himself from exploding in his pants. God she was so damn sexy!

He watched her as she moved, the confidence in her movements and the pleasure on her face mesmerizing him and as she worked her way to orgasm and collapsed on top of him he pulled her to his chest. He didn't care that his pants were wet from her body, he had wanted to please her, and he had indeed.

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