" hey ". I look up to see a tall guy, around my age. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Wearing a jean jacket, jeans and a gray top with black running shoes.
" hey " I say.
" you seem lonely can a sit? " he smirks.
" sure " I smile.
The guy sits down acro...
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I laid my head on Grayson's chest. I truly forgot how comfy his covers were.
" I love you, Emily. "
" I love you too, Grayson. " I smiled.
My eyes drifted off to sleep.
" Hey, Em wake up, get dressed. " Grayson whispered.
" What, why? What time is it? " I asked.
" Five in the morning, were going to the roof. "
" What? ".
I got dressed and followed Grayson out into his hallway, " You aren't going to push me off the roof right? "
" No! We're going to watch the sun rise. " Grayson smiled.
" Wait really? " I smiled.
" Yup I've got blankets set outside and everything. " he smiled.
Grayson crawled though the window first with me following, " I didn't even know you could do this. " I smiled.
" I didn't either, I'm just winging it here so... " Grayson shrugged making me laugh.
" Wait look at what I found at the store before you came over. " Grayson smiled as he turned around and grabbed something.
When Grayson turned back to face me he had two Kool Aid in his hand.
" Your a dork. " I laughed.
" Hey I thought I was Mr. Sly Guy. " Grayson smiled.
" That too. " I laughed.
Grayson passed me the drink, " Thank you. " I smiled.
" Your welcome. " Grayson smiled.
I moved over so I was closer to Grayson, he wrapped his arm around me and placed a blanket over top of us.
" This is really cute, you know that right? " I asked.
" That's what I was aiming for. " Grayson smiled before leaning down and kissing me.
" When the sun rises don't you think your neighbours might wonder what we're doing up here? " I asked.
" Probably, but none of them will be awake. " Grayson smiled.
We sat on the roof and watched as the sun rise, the sky turned yellow-blue and then pink-yellow and finally pink-yellow-orange.
" Damn I've never seen the sky this pretty. "
" I know, it's amazing " Grayson smiled.
" Grayson. "
" Yeah. " Grayson looked down at me.
" Do you think were going to be fine, doing long distance? " I asked.
" Yes, I do. " Grayson said.
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" I just don't want us to break up... again. " I said.
" And we wont because long distance is this small little speck of dust compared to what we've been though. " Grayson smiled.
" Hell, we've been though it and back. Fake dating, real dating, breaking up, your coma, Olivia, Cane, your family, my family, the summer. Long distance is very small compared to all of that. "Grayson smiled.
" Yeah I guess it is. " I smiled.
" But I can tell your still worried. "
" I can't help it, I've never done this long distance thing before. " I said.
" And neither have I, it will be a learning experience, but I'll visit when ever I can. I promise you that, then you can introduce me to your roommate, and we can go on dates in New York, find an amazing pizza place,
" And when you not in school for breaks you can come here or we can go travel around Europe for all I care. But I know that our relationship can last though the long distance. " Grayson smiled.
I couldn't help, but smile back.
" I'm really glad I feel in love with you. " I smiled.
" I am too. " Grayson smiled before kissing my forehead.
We packed up Grayson's car with my suitcase's and started to drive to the airport.
" Okay so I have something for you and it might sound really stupid and cheese, but I made a playlist of songs. " I smiled.
" What do you mean? " Grayson asked.
I grabbed an old cd from my bag in front of me. When Grayson saw it he chuckled.
" In this cd is a bunch of song that I think reflect our relationship perfectly. The good the bad and the ugly all in over 40 songs. " I smiled.
" 40! Jesuses women, that must have took forever, when did you have time to do that? " he asked.
" Oh I made this a long time ago and just added a bunch of songs before I came over to your house. " I smiled.
" That's really cute. " he smiled.
" Thanks " I smiled, " I titled the cd The Duck Burg Chronicles/In Too Deep. "
" Why In Too Deep? " he asked.
" It's the first song I put on the cd, and I thought it was fitting for our relationship and how it started. " I laughed nervously.
" Well put it in, want to hear is while we drive. " Grayson smiled.
" Okay. " I smiled.
I placed the cd into the slot in the car and pressed play on track one. In Too Deep by Why Don't We.
We walked into the air port. Grayson and I stopped off to the side before I had to go the rest of the way on my own.
" I guess this is where we part. " Grayson sighed.
" Don't say it like that. "
" How else am I supposed to say it? " Grayson chuckled.
" Just don't say it at all. "
" Okay. "
" You'll text me when you land, and you'll call me when you get in your dorm? "
" Yes " I smiled.
" And you'll have a safe flight and you'll be safe? "
" Yes. " I laughed.
" I love you, Emily. " he smiled.
" I love you... Mr. Sly Guy. " I smiled as I poked him in the chest.
" Be safe. "
" I will. " I smiled.
Grayson pulled me into a hug, " Gosh I don't want you to leave. "
" I know, but like you said. We got this long distance thing. " I smiled.
Grayson pulled away and kissed me.
" Okay go before I cry and I'm not a crying guy. " Grayson said.
I laughed, " Yeah I should because I don't want to cry either. "
" I'll try to get visiting you in a month or a week. But we'll call and text everyday. " Grayson smiled.
" Okay. " I smiled.
" Bye. " Grayson smiled.
" Bye. "
I turned around and walked threw the doors. I didn't turn around because I knew that if I had, I wouldn't want to leave.
I walked down the long hallway at my collage, I found my room and opened the door.
" Hello? " I said as I walked in wondering if my roommate was here yet.
" Hey roomie! "
I jumped and turned around to see Olivia standing in the door way with a box.
" Hi " I smiled, " Your my roommate. "
" Yup, this is going to be so much fun! " Olivia smiled as she walked past me.
Amazing, just amazing.
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I hope you like the ending the!!! The epilogue will be up tomorrow!!!