Chapter 21

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Pov: Jeremy

As Heidi and I were setting the table for us all to eat, I saw Evan vigorously flipping through a picture book of just trees. Okay what the fuck?

There was a knock on the door so I went to open it, but Evan shot up and ripped open the door, grabbing Connor and dragging him inside to sit at the table. Once he was sat down Connor could only blink in shock.

"Um, okay then.. What's up Ms. Hansen -- I mean, Mrs. Heere..?" Heidi giggled and set down a plate in front of Connor, then turned around and grabbed the large plate of pancakes.

"Help yourself! So, kids, how is school going?" Connor and I both replied with 'good', while Evan just stayed silent. He looked like he was going to be sick and my eyes widened.

"Not at the table, Ev! Toilet! Now!" I said, covering his mouth and pulling him into the closest bathroom. He immediately leaned over the toilet and started emptying his already empty stomach.

Heidi and Connor followed us. "What's wrong!?" Connor asked. He seems genuinely worried; at least I know he's a good baby daddy for Evan.

Speaking of Evan, he tried to speak to answer his boyfriend, but he just kept vomitting.

"Well, this isn't the way he wanted to tell you." I said on Evan's behalf. Connor and Heidi both had wide, confused eyes at this.

"Tell us what?" Heidi asked, and I looked at Evan for confirmation. The blonde boy nodded and I ran up to our room, grabbing his pregnancy test and handing it to Connor and Heidi.

The two looked at it and then at Evan, then at me. "This is real?" They asked, and I nodded.

"If you don't believe me, Evan is literally puking up his guts behind you. He said that was his first sign so he took the test." Connor turned around and kneeled next to Evan, wrapping his arms around the boy.

I grabbed Heidi's arm and pulled her out of the bathroom, closing the door gently. "They're having a moment, let's leave them alone for a bit.." I said, then Heidi and I went back to the kitchen table.

"Why do my kids keep getting pregnant?" She asked jokingly, and I chuckled.

"At least you'll have grandkids." Heidi smiled and giggled, then her eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, speaking of grandkids, you're almost at 16 weeks right?" I nodded.

"In like, 4 weeks."

"That means you can get the sex of your baby soon!" My eyes widened and I smiled, my right hand moving to gently rub my stomach.

Connor and Evan walked back into the kitchen, sitting in their chairs. Just like when she found out I was pregnant, Heidi started questioning Evan.


I'm now on my 13th week, and a baby bump is beginning to appear.

Looking through my closet, I grabbed the first baggy shirt I found and put it on. From now on, baggy clothes it is. I can't let people see my baby bump.

Once I finished getting dressed, I went downstairs to see my dad making eggs and bacon, Heidi laying on the couch while watching some old people show on the TV. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was almost time to leave for school. So, I grabbed a few pieces of bacon from the plate my dad had and went out the door.

Michael was just pulling into my driveway, so once he stopped I climbed into the passenger seat. "Slush me." I said, holding out my hand, and Michael handed me a slushie. We then drove to school, talking about anything and everything on the way.

When we arrived, Michael and I walked into the school. Everyone was looking at me, making me feel nervous. Do they know I'm pregnant? Who told!? .. Probably Jenna. But she kept it secret for so long, why tell now?

Eventually Michael and I ran into Chloe and Brooke, and I pulled them to the side. "Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked, and Chloe avoided looking at me. She glanced at Brooke and the other girl nodded.

"Well, when Rich came back to school he had burns on his arms and legs and people started asking so he told them about the fire thing.. People got suspicious as to why he would burn down Jake's house. They came up with the idea that Jake was cheating on Rich with someone, and you were dragged into it somehow so everyone thinks you and Jake are cheating on your boyfriends with each other." My eyes widened and I ran over to Michael, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the nearest bathroom. I pulled him to the biggest stall and started pacing, eventually leaning against the stall door and covering my face.

"What's wrong, Jerebear?" Michael asked, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"The entire school thinks I'm cheating on you with Jake. I don't even know how they came to that rediculous conclusion, Jake and I don't even hang out that much! The most I see him is during a couple classes and lunch." Michael sighed and reached up to kiss my forehead, then looked me gay in the eyes.

"Listen, Jeremy. It's just a stupid rumor--soon they'll see that you'd never cheat on me, or anyone." He said, and I nodded. We walked out of the bathroom hand in hand, and Michael walked me to my first period class before going to his classroom down the hall.

As I sat in my seat, Zoe quickly turned to me.

"Is it true?" She asked, and I could only assume she meant the rumor with me and Jake. I banged my head on the table.

"No! I've never liked Jake that way, and I never will! We don't even hang out often so I don't see how I was dragged into this stupid rumor-" I said, Zoe quickly cutting me off.

"Wait people think you're cheating on Michael with Jake? No, I meant the rumor about you being pregnant! Everyone is talking about it." My eyes widened and I quickly turned to Zoe.

"How do they know? I've only told my family and closest friends, and they would never tell anyone -- shit, I bet it was Jenna! She promised though... Ugh, this is why I should never trust her with anything big.." I ranted, and Zoe quickly spoke.

"So it's true?" I nodded and avoided looking at her.

"Yeah. But don't let anyone else know, I want them to stay ignorant for as long as possible." Zoe nodded and then the teacher walked in to start class.

(I have plans for Kleinsen, don't worry. It's just taking time.)

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