Something or Someone?

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You walked out of the school and into the ferry, the ferry headed Oarai. You texted your friends but told them you were going to the mall. "I hope I don't mess this up." You keep saying saying those words in your head but pause to think of another thing.

"Why am I feeling this, it's not like I like her or anything." You pause again to think, everytime your friends are teasing you, you feel something deep in you that is very... satisfying to say the least. When you talk to her, you get too worried but feel bliss at the same time, you get several chills in your spine and your heart sinks frequently.

"Do I like her?"

Your heart starts to beat, and your heart starts caving in. You can feel yourself blushing, but you try to suppress it and shake it off.

"It can't be, we just met. I was just  probably riding along to much for my friends."

The ferry stops. You're now in Oarai

You walk down and walked to the school ship, it wasn't that far. You get in the school ship and as you were walking up the stairs you texted Miho.

Y/N: I'm here.

Miho: Wait in the front yard I'll wait for you there.

Y/N: Sure.

It wasn't that long until you get to the front yard. When you got there, you saw a girl, although it wasn't her she looked familiar.

Saori: Hey Y/N! Miho's over there!

Saori points to the other side of the gate, as you turned you saw her, Miho.

Miho: Hi Y/N! It's been a while.

Y/N: Yeah... so what are we going to talk about?

Miho: Come with me, I'll show you.

Miho grabs your hand and takes you to the meeting room.

Meanwhile in a classroom overlooking the entrance where they met.

Saori: Oh my godddd~ Miporin did it!

Hana: Good heavens, you're here already.

Yukari: Nishizumi-dono, I am so happy for you!

Yukari starts to cry like that of a heart broken person.

You let her hand guide you through the meeting area you noticed.

Sylhet POV

Kaga: Did you put it in?

Sylhet: Yes, I'm turning it on right now.

Sylhet has put a tapping device into Y/N's pants and has connected it into their school's clubroom. He knew he was going to Oarai and told everyone.

Alfred: To think that this device could reach such distances.

Sylhet: Well GI6 tech never fails to impress. Now that it has connected successfully let us now hear it.

Kaga told everyone in the clubroom to lower their voice and Sylhet starts recording.

Miho: I'm glad that you made it. Would you like some tea?

Y/N: Sure.

The sounds of cups clinking has made everyone assume she is preparing tea.

Miho: I'm sure you have heard of the new tournament yes?

Y/N: Yeah. Is that what you want to talk to me about?

Miho: Yeah, since our schools are a little far away from each other I think it would be best for us to do camping training.

Y/N: You would like us to stay in Oarai?


Miho: I don't want your mates to get tired quickly.

A thud from the table soon follows, an indication that the tea has been placed.

Y/N: Thank you.

Alfred: Sylhet what's that beating noise coming from his pants?

Kaga: Must be his hearbeat...

Sylhet: L-let's leave it at that.


Your heart keeps on beating, but since she told you this was a meeting about the tournament, you had no choice but to leave those feelings and focus on the topic that takes precedence.

You nervously sip on the tea Miho gave you.

Y/N: It's good.

Miho: What do you say? Since this is an official tournament from the federation, we're going to need you all to stay for quite a while.

Y/N: Sounds good. But I'll have to tell my club first; see if they could all make it.

Miho: Sure! And we could maybe...

Your mind suddenly went blank.

Your heart started to race.

"What does she mean by that?"

"We could???"

Sylhet POV

Uproar filled the clubroom while Sylhet is lost in thought.

Bartek: What the hell does she mean?!

Kaga: A date???

Erwin: Some time with them alone?

Alfred: Damm, Y/N is smooth.

Erwin: Ja.

Sylhet: Everyone shut the hell up I can't hear anything!

 Saori POV

Yukari: Saori-san!

Saori: What is it?

Yukari: Wasn't Nishizumi-dono going to give this to Y/N?

Hana: Oh yes. You are right, we have to give this before he leaves.

Yukari: Alright, leave it to me! 

Yukari rushes to the door, right before she sprints to the meeting room I stopped her.

Saori: Yukari-chan, not yet! 

Yukari stops and faces me.

Yukari: What's wrong?

Saori: I think we should give them some privacy, Miporin has been acting all weird lately after we hanged out with the Kagoshima boys.

Hana: Could it be...

Yukari: She might've had feelings for one of them!

Saori: Exactly! Now we have to find out who! 

Yukari: Knowing Nishizumi-dono she might gather intel from Y/N to plan out her strategy to confess!

Saori: It's plausible but... there are so many possiblilities... we have to think this through.

Hana: Aye.

Saori: For now, let's give it to her after their meeting.

Hana and Yukari: Aye!

Mako: Zzzz.

Miho POV

A few weeks out with Y/N. During training, I hope we could hang out more. I have to know the cause of these feelings,  it might affect my decision making...

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