Sea Fleur, Vagabond Mauve

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Sea Fleur, Vagabond Mauve

Fiery Veil, Pink Cashmere, backlit Sea Fleur,

Ginger Spice scribed edge of Monashee

like the bright day you wore a sundress, no slip.

First tint of dusk meeting curve of hips, apex

of arid hills, the particular tone of the day

defying replication,

that kind of reckoning. You imagine

the hint on a young girls lips, pout held

between teeth, eyes downcast, you know

what she’s thinking. Vagabond Mauve

like you see just after the sun drops

and echos against late clouds. Horizontal haze

demarking day from night, before from after.

How the first touch feels, understated vigor,

his breath lifting your hair, your heart shifting,

you watching the sky, wide and expanding

Pink Fever.

Published in The Antigonish Review, Issue #177, Spring 2014

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