Ash Normandy - ZPD

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Full Name| Astra Normandy (Goes by Ash)

Age| 22

Gender| Female

Species| Fox

Sexuality| Pan

Citizen or Police Officer| She's a popo yo

Description| She's quite tall for a fox, with sandy fur and black tipped arms, legs, nose and ears. Her eyes are a light grey and she has slight fangs and claws. She often wears a cold shoulder shirt and jeans, when she's not in her well-fitted ZPD uniform.

Personality| Ash is a very friendly, confident and outgoing character who knows when and how to get people to shut up

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Personality| Ash is a very friendly, confident and outgoing character who knows when and how to get people to shut up. Her sweet nature can turn deadly if you cross her bad side, and she knows how to pack a punch. She doesn't underestimate herself, but she doesn't try to over-extend what she can or can't do. She's also pretty smart and is very good at forensics.

Strengths| Very good at hand-to-hand combat and shooting, good at forensics, confident, loyal, trustworthy

Weaknesses| A bit sensitive, can be too loyal at times, can be stubborn, can be weird or utterly annoying

Did You Do The Passwords?| Yu-huh

Other| Her eyes darken whenever she's mad or ready to fight

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