Chapter 4: Awkward provoking
"Dije apesadumbrado... Pero dónde Thiago?" I ask Leo about Thiago, flipping the topic of me always being late.
Leo points at a girl holding Thiago, and I am pretty sure it isn't Antonella.
"Feliz cumpleaños," I bend toward tiny Thiago.
He looks at me and uttered some words that didn't make any sense.
A hand wrapped around Thiago's little palm. I noticed a tattoo on the pale hand, demonstrating a 'C'.
I look up the girl's face. She had bright blue eyes, and unusual long, dense eyelashes and curled up dark hair that fell till just above her waist. I pass her a soft smile, and she fondly returns it.
"Eating time Thiago?" Antonella slowly picked Thiago up from the girl's hands.
"Come with me, let's eat I am hungry," I noticed Shakira standing next to the girl, and drag her somewhere.
"Who was she?" I asked Leo.
"She is Shakira's friend, Lia, and I believe she works in Hollywood. I saw some film lately," Leo shrugged.
I nod noticing her sitting alone on the couch as Shakira was on phone, and I am pretty sure with Gerard.
"I'll be back," I tell Leo, walking towards her.
"Puedo sentarme aquí?" I ask her.
"Sorry, I don't understand..." she stutters.
"Oh, so you speak English?" I smile.
"Yeah," she nods.
"I was asking, do you mind if I sit here?"
"No, of course I don't mind," she shifted a little to give me room to sit.I place my self on the fluffy couch, next to her.
"You watch football?" I ask her casually.
"Yeah, I do," she grins.
"What team do you support?"
Say Barça...
"Arsenal," she exclaims.
"Oh, Arsenal. Any reason?"
"I grew up supporting them," she replies.
"Right," I nod.
"Too sad Barcelona took away Cesc Fabregas from us," she pulls up a straight face.
"Arsenal took away Henry, and anyway Cesc was willing to come here."
"Whatever, I cried the day Fabregas left so..."
"You seriously cried?" I raise my eyebrows.
"He used to be my favorite, okay? So maybe I did," she defends. I could tell she was quite childish at approach.
"Anyway, do you want a drink?"
"No, I am good," she replies.
"Come on," I insist.
"I don't drink alcohol, and I am not supposed to drink aerated drinks because they are high in calories, so I am good with water," she raises the glass in her hand.
I am pretty sure my jaw dropped.
"You what?" I frown.
"What?" she returns it.
"You don't drink?""
Nope," she smiled to herself.
"Why? What's your age?"
"Twenty one," she shrugs. "I have never had a drink, and I don't intend to either."
"Fine, come, at least have dinner," I offer.
"Uh, yeah," she smiles it me.
I guide her to the buffet, and passed a plate to her.
"So much of calories," I hear her mumble.
I chuckle softly at her food-conscious attributes.
"Come, sit," I tell her as we sit together on a table in the hall.
"Eh, Neymar! Qué pasa?" I look up as I hear my name.
"Cesc," I address.
"May I?" he points to the seat next to Lia.
I shrug in response, but he sits anyway.
"Hi," he smiles cheekily at her. She puts up an extremely fake smile.
"She's an Arsenal supporter. She'll probably rip your head off," I whisper bending to Cesc.
"You support Arsenal?" he asks her aloud.
"Yes," she says it like the most obvious thing in the world.
"So you hate me..." he digs in his risotto, not even bothering to wait for her to reply.
"I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. You left Arsenal."
"It was my dream to play for Barcelona." He defends himself.
"Fans loved you so much there!" she yells.
"They love me here too," he tilts his head.
"Idiot," I mumble to myself, face palming.
"I change my mind. I do hate you," she yells. "What about Arsene Wenger? He kept you like a son, and yet you left Arsenal," her eyes broaden in irritation.
"Even Nasri left Arsenal. And so did Clichy," he replies.
"Stop provoking her, you idiot," I hiss so that only Cesc hears me.
"Well, they followed you." She spat bitterly.
"Whoa. What's going on here?" Alexis sits on the Lia's right.
"Nothing," Cesc and Lia reply together.
"It didn't sound like nothing," Alexis looks at Lia, who hadn't bothered to notice him.
"It was just that he-" Lia starts, but suddenly freezes when she looks at Alexis. After awkwardly staring wide-eyed for a while, she covers her mouth.
"Are you okay?" Alexis leans closer to her.
You're Alexis Sanchez," she exclaims.
"Yeah, I guess I am," Alexis replies, confusion overtaking his smile.
"I have had a crush on you ever since you joined Barcelona."
Then, she dramatically clamps her mouth again.
Cesc is a little surprised at her loud confession, and Alexis looks even more flabbergasted. I just stare at her blankly unsure how to react.
"I didn't mean to... It just slipped I-I was not thinking..." she stutters, her face reddened to a worrying limit. Cesc dying of laughter didn't help either. I kick him under the table to get him to shut up, but obviously that didn't work.
Please vote its practically 2 am and I wrote this.
Thank you.

You're Not Alone » Neymar Jr.
FanfictionA story of a beautiful young actress who solicits love and passion, all fulfilled by a footballer in her journey of emotional instability.