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Harry's just tired today. His parents were up yelling all night and his classes seemed to drag on. His teachers no longer pity him and Harry just doesn't care. Senior year is important and he knows that, but he doesn't care.

He called Louis at lunch and the boy told him to come over after school. Harry knew he'd tell him that and Harry knew they'd probably get drunk or high and make out. It's easier for him to get through a day if he knows he can go to Louis' and do that.

He ditches last class knowing they'll call home and also knowing his mom won't answer. He sends Louis a quick text to let him know he's coming early and then he's speeding down the road. He's started to drive like Louis too and while it's reckless it's also liberating. Everything is so carefree now.

Harry pulls up to Louis' street and parks on the side of the road. His feet stomp up his driveway and up to his door where he quietly opens it in case someone is sleeping. He's overwhelmed when he hears yelling.

"He's using you, Louis! All he wants is drugs," Matt screams. Harry just stands in the open doorway and doesn't dare move.

"That is not true. You know he likes me," Louis replies and Harry gets this uneasy feeling they're talking about him.

"Really? Don't smoke or drink with him today. Watch how fast he leaves," Matt quickly tells him and then there's a silence.

"It makes him happy. I can't just not do that because he'll be sad," Louis says quietly and Matt gives a humorless chuckle.

"See? He's not happy just being with you. He needs drugs and he once he finds them elsewhere he'll be gone. Harry doesn't even like you and you treat him like a prince and I'm over here in fucking love with you and I get treated like shit," Matt says. His voice cracks and Harry can feel anger build in him. How dare Matt say he doesn't like Louis? Louis is basically a drug for Harry on his own.

"He likes me! Why do you always say he doesn't?!" Louis shouts and Harry jumps.

"Because I can see he doesn't! I love you and I don't want him to break you, Lou. You're already so broken and I don't want him to shatter what's left," Matt pleads. It's deadly silent and then Harry hears a small sniffle.

"You're jealous, Matt. That's all you are," Louis says. His voice is even and Harry knows Matt's the one sniffling.

"I am. I'm so fucking jealous because I can love you better than him. You can't seriously tell me you believe he'll stay," Matt says and Harry looks down. Is what Matt's saying true? If Louis didn't have the beer and drugs would Harry actually stay? He thinks of his soft lips and his cinnamon smell and his sad blue eyes and yeah, he'd stay. He'd stay because Louis can make him happy.

"You can't tell me, can you? You know I'm better for you," Matt speaks again.

"You're not. I've never been in love with you, Matt. I've never felt anything except lust and maybe some small type of friendship," Louis spits out and Matt chuckles.

"Don't forget that I was once Harry. Innocent and sweet and you corrupted me. You're both using each other and you'll both deliver each others final blows," Matt says coldly.

"Or maybe we'll finally get our happiness? What do you think of that?" Louis asks and Harry should really sneak out and come back later.

"I think that's bullshit. People like us don't get happiness," Matt tells him. Louis starts to talk again, but Harry slams the door. The house goes eerily quiet and Harry slowly kicks off his shoes.

"Lou?" Harry calls out. There's a bang and then Louis' sliding into the main hall. His hair is a mess and his eyes look red and watery. Harry gives him a concerned look and Louis clears his throat.

"You're here early," Louis states.

"I texted you. Do you want to maybe go out? Get ice cream?" Harry asks timidly. He doesn't want to stay in the house with Matt's watchful, jealous eye. Louis bites his lip and looks back into the living room before hesitantly nodding.

"Did you hear anything?" Louis asks as he moves to grab his light coat and shoes. Harry slips his shoes back on and places a confused look on his face.

"No? Were you talking to yourself?" he asks and he must admit his acting abilities aren't bad. Louis just shakes his head.

"Matt is here..." Louis trails off and Harry can't wipe the sour look off his face. Matt is starting to get on his last nerve.

"Oh. You ready?" Harry asks quickly and Louis nods and they both rush from the small house. The air outside is the perfect temperature and the bright sky contrasts to their dark moods. Harry wants to do something to make Louis smile, but he doesn't know what. He stops and Louis keeps walking to the car, but slowly notices and stops too.

"You okay?" Louis says and his voice is slow and gentle. Harry nods and walks over to him and cups his face. Louis looks at him in confusion, but then Harry leans down to kiss him softly and Louis just closes his eyes and enjoys the warm kiss.

"Smile," Harry breathes as he pulls away and to his utter happiness Louis does smile. He smiles a faint smile, but it's for Harry and it counts. They lock hands and then Harry leads Louis to his car and opens the door for him. He can feel eyes on them and turns to the house to see Matt watching him with a harsh glare. Harry ignores him and walks to his side and slips in.

They drive to Dairy Queen where they each order a regular blizzard and then sit down at one of the booths. Harry watches as Louis licks at his spoon and sucks on the ice cream and it's so hot, but also cute.

"Would you be willing to go on a date with me?" Louis speaks up. Harry blinks to get out of his daze of looking at Louis' lips and looks up into his eyes.

"A date?" he grins and Louis nods. He has dark circles under his eyes and his hair is still messy and Harry still thinks he's perfect.

"I'd really love to," Harry tells him honestly and Louis blushes and smiles down at the small blizzard cup.

"Sunday night? I work all weekend, but we can maybe go see a movie and then go get some food or something?" Louis questions and Harry really can't stop smiling and he's nodding his head like a fool.

"Yeah. Sunday," Harry grins and Louis grins back at him. They probably look foolish and stupid, but they're sort of happy and that's what counts.

"Sunday," Louis agrees and his foot nudges Harry's under the table. Harry smiles the whole time they eat and the two boys talk so easily Harry sometimes forgets they only met about a month ago. He feels a connection with Louis he's never felt with anyone.

They leave the fast food place hand in hand and return to Harry's car. The drive is filled with purposefully awful singing and loud laughter and Harry isn't tired anymore and Louis looks more alive. They pull up to the house and they both jump out and walk to the front door, their sides brushing.

"Oh good, you two are home," Matt says as they kick off their shoes. Louis shrugs as Harry rolls his eyes.

"There's a party Saturday, you coming?" Matt asks and Louis shakes his head and Harry follows suit.

"I have to work," Louis tells him. Matt just nods and turns to Harry expectantly.

"There should be some good kush there. I could even drive you," Matt offers. Louis stiffens next to Harry and Harry shakes his head again. He's not stupid.

"I have homework and I won't be able to do it Sunday," he says and now his dopey smile is back and Louis' has returned too.

"Oh. Well if you change your mind let me know," Matt says and Harry doesn't even acknowledge him again. He just turns to Louis and looks at him, letting a tiny yawn escape him.

"Want to take a nap?" Harry asks and Louis snorts, but takes his hand and leads him up the stairs.

They arrive in Louis room and Louis gives Harry some basketball shorts to sleep in. Harry slips them on and takes off his shirt before climbing in bed with Louis. He wraps his arms around him and Louis locks their fingers and hums happily when Harry kisses him.

"Sleep well, Lou," Harry murmurs. His eyes start to close as Louis mumbles something cute and unintelligible and he thinks he may like Louis more sober.

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