It was a short drive to Chris’s house. It had to take us about ten minutes, at most. Chris pulled up to the parking lot and shut off the engine. As we got out, I looked over at the place he lives. It’s a small robin egg blue house. Nothing more, nothing less. We walked inside, making our way down to the kitchen. In there sat a woman at the table, smoking a cigarette and reading some book. She looked up and smiled. I can only imagine that this lovely lady is Chris’s mom. She’s got a good aura to her it seems like. I can sense that in people sometimes. I got that same positive aura around her son. Like mother, like son, I guess.
“Back home already? Who’s this?” the woman asked, standing up as she put out her cigarette butt in the ashtray near her.
“Yeah, changed my mind on drawing. There’s always another time and place for that. Mom, I’d like for you to meet Ricky. Ricky, meet mama Cerulli,” Chris said, introducing each of us to each other.
“Hi,” I said shyly, smiling a little. I’m terrible at introducing myself.
“Well, aren’t you just a cutie pie!” mama Cerulli cooed, walking up to me and giving me a big hug. I awkwardly returned the hug to be polite. “Are you one of my son’s friends?”
“New friends. He’s new at my school. He moved from San Francisco. Can you believe that?” Chris asked.
“San Francisco? Get outta here! That’s gotta be quite a move! What brought you out here?”
“My dad’s business moved out here,” I replied.
“Ah, very nice. Well, welcome to our house. Make it yourself at home here,” Chris’s mom said, returning to her book.
“We’re gonna order wings. You want any?” Chris asked.
“Nah, I’m okay. You boys enjoy yourselves,”
“Alright. Come on, Ricky. Let’s head to my room,”
Me and Chris walked down the hall. We turned left and headed into a room that’s immaculately clean for someone like Chris. It’s as clean as his car. The walls are, of course, all covered in posters of metal bands. Did I also mention that everything is black and red? Yes, everything. The bedding, the carpet, the walls, everything. I envied how nice it looked. I wish I could have a room like this, and not be stuck with boring white walls.
“You’ve got a very nice room. I’m jealous,” I said.
“Oh, thanks. It was a whole lot different when we first moved here years ago when I was little. I wanted red and black, and that’s what I got,”
“Your mom sounds like an awesome person,”
“Hell yeah, she is. I love her. Shall we order the wings now?” Chris asked.
“Sure,” I nodded.
“What kind do you like? I like buffalo,”
“Buffalo’s good. I’ll have that,”
“Alright, buffalo it is,” Chris said as he pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and placed his order. The person that took it told him it would take about a half hour before the food arrives. Chris thanked him, and hung up. He turned to me and smiled. “It shouldn’t be long before they’re here,”
“Alright. What should we do now?”
“How about if I show you my artwork?” Chris asked.
“Sure! I’d love to see what you made!”
“Great! Hold on,”
Chris went into his closet and pulled out some canvases, handing them to me. I looked over them, and was immediately impressed. There’s one that’s a portrait of Nosferatu, one of Frankenstein, and my favorite, Dracula. All the colors Chris used to paint these pictures with all blended in perfectly. They’re all painted immaculately. In the bottom corner of each painting is Chris’s signature. I wish I could hone such a talent. Could I be any more jealous of this man I really, really like? Shit, what was there to not like about Chris?
“These are beautiful. I like the Dracula one the best,” I said.
“Here, you can keep it if you want,” Chris offered. I could not control the smile that just spread across my face.
“R-really?” I asked. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. I’ve painted Dracula dozens of times. Consider it a gift from me to you,” Chris winked.
“Thank you so much. I’ll hang it up in my room when I get home,” I said, wrapping my new prized possession in my arms.
“No problem. You wanna watch a movie while we wait for the wings to come?”
“Sure. What should we watch? You got Netflix?”
“Yeah. How about another horror movie?” Chris asked, picking up his remote for his tv near his bed.
“Of course. Is Texas Chainsaw Massacre on there?” I asked. I’m really in the mood for a slasher flick, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of my favorites.
“I think so. Let me look,” Chris said, turning on his tv and searching for the aforementioned movie title. It came up, and we both looked at each other and smiled.
“Sweet. They do have it,” I said.
“And the best way to watch it…,” Chris replied, standing up and shutting off the lights. “Is with the lights off!”
“You ready? We can sit on my bed,”
“Alright,” I said, the both of us sitting on Chris’s bed. Chris turned the movie on, and it started right away. As we watched it, I suddenly felt something within me; an urge to be exact. I wanted to make a move on Chris. I don’t know if that’s a good idea, though. What if he’s not into me? Hell, what if he’s straight? Technically I am a girl, but only on the inside right now. I know for a fact that’s gonna change one day, and I look forward to it. I don’t plan on outright flirting with him. I just want to make a subtle move to let him know I have a thing for him a little...okay, fuck it. That’s still flirting. Goddamnit. I can barely fight off this urge I have. Maybe if I just lean my head on his shoulder it’ll be okay. Yeah...I think I’ll do that. I can’t stand this urge any longer. I need to make a move, even if it’s a small one. As me and Chris watched the movie, I slowly leaned my head on Chris’s shoulder, my heart racing as I did so. This is it. The moment of truth. My fate is sealed. Will Chris look at me weird, or will he accept what I just did…?
“Mmm,” Chris moaned a little, smiling as I looked up at him. “You tired?”
“A little,” I yawned. I didn’t realize I even was tired. I did have to get up early today, and I’m used to getting up at somewhere around ten.
“You can lay down on my lap, if you want,”
I felt my chest constrict. Did I hear him right? Yes, I did! He offered me to lay down on his lap! Maybe he does have a thing for me. I can’t jump to conclusions just yet, though. Maybe Chris is just being nice. I hope it’s more than just that, though...oh, I really do. I smiled and laid down, placing my head right on Chris’s lap as I curled up in a ball near him, watching the movie. I suddenly felt very, very tired. I need to sleep, and I’ll do it right on Chris’s lap. I couldn’t be in a better place right now. I shut my eyes, and soon I was able to fall asleep.
_ _ _
“Ricky, wake up. Wings are here,” Chris said, shaking me awake. I opened up my eyes and mumbled, sitting up. In Chris’s hand were two boxes of the wings he ordered. I smiled. I was pretty hungry, my stomach growling at the sight of the food. How long was I asleep? Probably not long.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s open them up!” I said.
“Of course,” Chris said, opening up one of the boxes of wings. Oh god, did they smell good. I grabbed a wing and bit into it, the savory meat blended perfectly with the buffalo sauce. It was not too spicy, but still had that kick to it. It was just right. I looked over and saw that Chris paused the movie. It’s at a part where Leatherface is chasing some guy with his chainsaw. Chris unpaused the movie, and together we ate our wings.
“God, these are so good,” Chris said as he ate a wing. “What do you think?”
“They’re good. Where did you get these from?” I asked.
“Pizza Hut,”
“Oh, okay. Good thing you didn’t get any pizza from there,” I laughed.
“I wouldn’t order anything you don’t want, Ricky,”
“I know, Chris. Thanks for ordering us dinner,”
“You’re welcome. My pleasure,” Chris nodded. “So when this movie’s over, I’ll take you home. How does that sound?”
The smile on my face suddenly vanished. I really, really didn’t want to go home. Not after all that’s happened. I want to be here with Chris, not with my abusive dad. I really don’t want him to hurt me again. I don’t deserve it…
“Ricky? You okay?” Chris asked me. I looked up at him, not realizing that I spaced out. Fuck. He knows something’s up.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I lied, because I’m far from that.
“You don’t look like it. Come on, tell me what’s wrong,”
Shit. I’m gonna have to tell him the truth. I won’t tell Chris about the abuse that goes on at home. Oh god, no. I definitely can’t tell him that. Dad will kill me. Literally. I’ll only tell him that I really don’t want to go home. Why? I gotta lie there...but what am I gonna say?
“I...I really don’t wanna go home,” I said shakily.
“Why?” Chris asked.
“ parents...they…they argue a lot,” I said. I was only speaking only half of the truth. No, a quarter of it.
“Were they arguing when you left the house?” Chris questioned.
“Yeah...I had to get out…,” I said, my voice faltering. Before I knew it, I felt the sting of tears come to my eyes. Fuck. I was ruining my makeup. But what’s worse is that I was crying in front of Chris. I can’t cry...but I am! God fucking damn it. I truly am pathetic.
“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t cry,” Chris said, wrapping an arm around me.
“I’m sorry, Chris...I just really, really don’t wanna go back…,” I said, wiping at my eyes. I must look so foolish in front of the man I like so much. What the hell is wrong with me?
“You don’t have to go home. You can stay here for the night, if you want,”
I nearly gasped. Chris is offering me to stay at his house? Is he serious? No, he wouldn’t lie. I know he wouldn’t. Chris is actually letting me stay at his house for the night. I can barely believe it, but it’s true. Of course I will spend the night with Chris. I can’t afford to go back to my house. Not after all that’s happened. If dad decides to beat me again, so be it. I’m used to it at this point, I guess. I still hate it, though. I’m sure that if I were to go home now, dad would beat me again anyway, so staying at Chris’s is the best idea.
“Chris...of course I’ll stay with you!” I said, smiling. “Where will I sleep?”
“You can sleep in my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch. I wanna be a good host, you know?” Chris said, eating another chicken wing.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Of course. I don’t mind,”
“Alright, if you say so,” I said as I grabbed another wing and ate it. Chris got up and went to his dresser, pulling out an oversized black t-shirt and sweatpants.
“Here, you can change into these whenever you’re ready. That way you don’t have to sleep in your clothes,”
“Yeah, I’m sure these can hold over for tomorrow,” I said, looking down at the attire I’m wearing. It shouldn’t hurt to wear them for another day. I’ve worn the same clothes twice plenty of times before. Maybe I should get changed into these clothes now. Wearing skinny jeans can get pretty uncomfortable after a while. “Hey, I’m gonna get changed in these now. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll pause the movie for you,” Chris said as he picked up the remote and paused the movie. I went to the bathroom with the clothes and shut the door. I took off my clothes and put on the baggy shirt and sweatpants. They feel really comfortable, actually. I picked up my clothes and got out of the bathroom, heading back to Chris’s bedroom. He looked behind him and smiled.
“You look good,” he said. “Are you gonna wash off your makeup? I’ll give you a rag,”
“Oh, yeah. That would be great,” I said. I hate sleeping with my makeup on. It’s gross and causes pimples.
“Okay. Just let me know when you wanna wash your face,”
“Alright,” I said, sitting down next to Chris and grabbing another wing as we continued to watch our movie. Chris then turned to me and smiled.
“You can lay on my lap if you want,” he said. My jaw nearly dropped to the ground. He really doesn’t mind me making a move on him! I could be wrong, though. What if he’s just trying to be friendly? I hope it’s more than just that...oh, I really do. I smiled, lying down and placing my head back on Chris’s lap, curling up in a ball on the bed again. He’s just so warm…
“Mmm,” I moaned, comfortable and not wanting to leave this spot.
“You like that?” Chris asked.
“Mhmm,” I nodded.
“Good. You tired?”
“A little,” I yawned. It’s pretty early, but then again, I woke up early, and I’m used to not waking up til much later. I guess now would be a good time to wash my face, but I’m so tired...
“You can fall asleep on me again. I don’t mind,”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Of course,”
“Okay,” I said, shutting my eyes. Soon enough, I was able to fall asleep...and it couldn’t be in a better place than here with Chris._ _ _
After the movie, Chris helped me into his bed and let me sleep. I asked him what he was gonna do, and he said that he’ll just paint to pass the time. I wish I could watch him. If only I wasn’t so tired. The next morning, I got dressed, washed my face of my old makeup, and had a bowl of Count Chocula. I borrowed some of Chris’s makeup to put on. I tried my hardest to cover up the bruises that dad gave me, but goddamnit, they were still there no matter how much cover up I put on. I guess the makeup I have on will have to do. I just hope no one questions the bruises on my face. After putting on makeup, we headed out to Chris’s car and made our way to school, blasting Marilyn Manson along the way. When we got to the school parking lot, Chris parked the car and shut off the engine. I looked in the mirror above me to examine the bruises on my face. I really, really hope no one questions them. They’re still clear as day. I think Chris quickly caught on to the discontent on my face.
“Do I look okay?” I asked.
“Of course. Why? What’s wrong?” Chris replied.
“It’’s the bruises. I’m scared someone will notice them,”
“Ricky...I’m sure you’ll be fine. You look great. If someone has a problem with it, then fuck them. Come on. Don’t wanna be late now, do we?”
“I guess you’re right,” I sighed. We got out of the car and made our way inside, me following Chris to our lockers. We first stopped by mine, where I picked up my books. We then went to Chris’s and did the same. After that, we started to make our way to class. When we got there, we sat down in our seats. The entire time, I did my best to keep my head down so that no one will notice the bruises. I really hope nobody notices. Oh, I hope to god no one does. The last thing I need is someone to call up Child Protective Services on me and my parents. I would be a goner.
“Alright class, open up your books to page 316,” Mrs. Paley said. The whole class followed suit, and class began.