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Why are you so beautiful?
Why are you so bright?
Why is everything about you,
So dazzling, even in the night?

Your eyes, they draw me in,
Something about you,
Intoxicates me from within.
Something is shining in your eyes,
Something beautiful,
Illuminating my darkest night.

You're kind,
Always helping someone out,
If personality could kill,
Yours would,
Without a doubt.

I try to impress you,
But all my efforts go to waste,
Wanna know why?
I end up embarrassing myself,
Right in your face.


You're my polaris,
My little rainbow of promise,
I'd cross oceans for you,
Who knows?
Maybe slay a dragon or 2.

Haha! Just kidding,
Dragons don't exist...
But I'd go above and beyond for you,
I hope you know this.

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