Lilith x female!reader (Devotion)

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Author's Note: This oneshot was requested by @ztoonsz! Picture is not mine, though I couldn't find who specifically it did belong to. Also, forgive me if it isn't exactly how you'd picture her. I did my best with what I know and what little information I could dig up :)

You were respectful, as you should have been. Polite and never prone to raise a fuss. As was the usual function of a servant; talking back or disobedience typically meant harsh punishment, and it wasn't as though Hell offered any police or guards to keep the common people safe. But there were benefits, as well... It meant you weren't left to the perverted and ravenous wolves of the streets. Most servants of higher places were provided rooms or a separate living space near the wealthy man or woman's home. Not out of the goodness of their own hearts, mind you, but because it was a haste to lose and have to retrain new maids and butlers.

And you... you weren't just any servant. You worked for the queen. Granted, she and her husband had split up a while back. You suspected it was mostly due to their marriage having been an arranged one, and the relationship not being as strong or iron fisted as they made it seem to the people. Still, Lilith had quite the fortune to her name and was a powerful figure to be reckoned with on her own.

It hadn't become clear until many years in her service, just how much she cared for you in comparison to the others. You were her go-to; her right hand woman. If she needed something done, you would find a way to see it through if only to make her happy. And you were fine with that. You enjoyed seeing the usually upright, serious, and mysterious queen genuinely smile. It was a rare sight, and one you cherished.

But, despite your flexible nature, you couldn't always play miracle worker. Lilith had found a fabric she very much enjoyed in the vault of Hell's records, but it hadn't been replicated since the mid-1300's and typically belonged to Scottish royalty. It was rather gorgeous, soft and unique in shade. She expressed a deep desire to have a dress of this fabric for herself. And, not realizing just how impossible this would be, you told her what you always did.

"Of course, ma'am."

You'd been all across the nine circles, to the most obscure parts, searching for what few people originated from that area and time in the world and had survived every extermination since. With a shudder, you recalled how very few they were.

But even those whom you had found shook their heads and denied the possibility; not only would it take materials for the dye that Hell simply didn't have, but it was an art so ancient that they had lost it with the passing of time.

After many long weeks of going out and searching, you returned with an anxious heart. What was Lilith going to think? You had never failed to get her what she had wanted before... Would she be unhappy? The thought was not pleasing, and it ate you alive with worry. How were you going to tell her? You supposed you would just have to wait until she asked and then break the news of your failure then.

Lilith woke the next morning, and you served her breakfast and tea as usual... but the queen noticed with a straightened posture that there was a sense of pain clouding your eyes, much as you tried to hide it, and there was no peace in your composure. She knew you had been leaving in search of something a lot lately, but could tell that this was more than simple fatigue.

"Sweet girl, if you keep making that sad face it'll stick like that." She joked lightly, hoping it would help lift your spirits. It didn't seem to work, and so she continued. "Is something the matter?"

It was at that moment that Y/n became misty eyed, and with a forced evenness to her tone, managed, "I'm afraid I've failed you..."

This took Lilith by surprise, and she set her cup down on the small plate with confusion. "Failed me? How so?"

Y/n swallowed, "I tried to find someone who could replicate the fabric you wanted to make a dress... I searched all over but the only people who knew the art are either dead or have forgotten. I even tried finding a book in all the older libraries that might hold any instructions, but in the end... I couldn't."

There was silence a moment, and you were painfully aware of the queens eyes on you. You heard the scrape of her chair against the ground as she stood up, and clenched your eyes shut in preparation for her disappointment.

...until you felt her arms around you.

She ran a hand through your hair soothingly, and laughed with genuine amusement. "Dear, is that really what has been on your mind this whole time?"

Your eyes widen and you ask uncertainly. "You're... not upset?"

"Why would I be? Goodness gracious, it's merely a dress. Besides, I have something far more precious right here." She smiled, and your brows furrowed in confusion.

"The silk?" You asked, wondering if she was referring to the dress and shawl she wore right now, but was surprised when she pulled away and brushed the tears from your eyes with that rare warm and pleased smile.

"No... you."

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