Up the river without a paddle

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                                                                          Chapter 1

                                                          Up the river without a paddle

        So this is the end of the world... Or well, it is but it isn't. I've been to Asgard, I've met Odin, I've seen the kingdom and had a nice chat and got to experience Valhalla for a while so that I was ready for what comes next. I guess one could say the Earth has just become a pre-game battle ground to earn ones way to endless glory by living a life of glory. It's all somewhat confusing, it's just much more simple to have Odin explain it himself. It's not his plan, it is just what is happening and it isn't Ragnarok so it isn't the end of the world really. Simple really is to say that Hellheimr (the world of the dead) has sparked to life and now we have rot walkers all over the place hungering for hot flesh. If you were to understand what is currently happening, I would really have to tell you exactly how we all got here. So to say that our current up to date is that we have ditched the training wheels so to say, the Earth as one could put it easily that the dead flooded in and with their energy the tables turned and the life was withdrawn for the most part from the outtershell of the planet. Thus forth creating an action of dead to live as the dying planet is trying its best to revive itself and keep itself from dying... Kind of like a reboot, displacment of energy and withdrawl so that it can nourish itself and... At this point in time the table have turned, the planet is so overly abundant with the force of life that the forces of the dead are now gaining the use of ambient forces, as well as the living, the dead howsoever have taken more easily to the mishaps of discovering it in which has made warfare and survival mighty interesting. We had to originally harness and control this ambient force of nature with copper tubing in which has left track marks from the energy of which power to elements we have decided to use. So the marks bare resembalance to that of viking tribal marks, except these ones are very colorful. We nearly lost our entire colony to the discovery so quick action was taken.

        Don't screw with animals, the zombie plague has warped and contorted the animal kingdom, if an animal is infected, it tends to take what ever attributes it eats. Real surprise when you encounter an octoput melded into the stomach of a grizzly bear. This power crap that's flying about, in the midst of the dying energies flowing down and the dead energies flowing up, the tides of the undead more easily sparked to life have floated to the surface and are hungry as hell. Although once the flourishing energy waves passed back up, it does not waken the dead instead it rather gives them a bit more life and a due side effect that they're growing moss and plants but it only makes them more dangerous with these ambient energies so it is us verses them. Valhalla is described as for the chosen warriors to enjoy the mead hall by night and enless glory by day with unlimited mead and unlimited food and what ever you lose on the battle field you regain when you regain conciousness in the mead hall. That is Valhalla and at the moment, it is living verses dead. Manage to live long enough to fight, that is endless glory enough and either you come back to life or the Valkryie carry you to Valhalla where you are chosen for what ever is better then becoming a part of the land of the dead that is flooded into the land of the living because the gates broke open. Long term in part, cure what should not be cured like cancer and that is your chains broken in which keeps the land of the dead seperate from the land of the living. Revival of the dead, no matter what you believe, it doesn't matter because all we have to live for now is to live to fight and survive. I'm just tossing this all out based on what beliefs I have met and this world is set up on that of free will and I will not live to strip the free will to believe what ever you'd like to from you. I believe what ever I believe for myself, not for you but for me. So read on as you will, obviously if you're reading this... I am either dead or you are in a room that you shouldn't be in because I do not just leave these books lying around just anywhere. For you to thuroughly understand, we'll have to stop where we are and start where it all begins because this is not for years later. Long enough that we fight the normal disease till it transmorphs and that... That is as long as a few seasons and from California back to Maine in distance.

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