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The girls are coming up on two months old. They're super fussy lately and just want to be held and as much as I love cuddling them I can't do anything throughout the day without one crying and waking up the other. I just want one night with Emily, one night of just us. But I don't want to burden anyone else with watching the girls cause I feel like it's being selfish since I wanted them to be here. Alison sighed softly as she thought about how long it's been since her and Emily got to be initiate and just love one another with no interruptions. She smiled though as she placed baby Em softly into her bassinet and carefully backed away and softly sighed relieved she hadn't woken up. Bella was already fed and changed inside her bassinet but she wasn't as fussy as baby Em. Emilia kept Alison on her toes all day.

Hanna was on her way back into Rosewood to visit her two nieces since it had been almost two months since the last time she saw them. She was so excited, she brought Caleb with her to meet the girls cause FaceTime and pictures didn't do them justice. "You're going to love them." Hanna squealed as she got closer to Emily and Alisons. "Han, you're baby fever is through the roof." Caleb smirked as he glanced over at Hanna. "Our baby will be cute, hopefully a mini you." Caleb laughed as he saw Hanna's eyes widen. "You thought about a family with me?" Hanna caught off guard by what Caleb said. "Thought about it all, no one I'd rather start a family with." Caleb and Hanna smiled at each other as they pulled in front of Emily and Alisons home. "My babies!" Hanna squealed as she walked up to the door and knocked as Caleb trailed closely behind her. Hanna knocked as she waited for someone to answer.

Alison heard a knock and quickly got up before it woke up one of the girls and answered the door. "Hanna!" She whispered loudly "how are you?" Alison had a huge smile on her face as she greeted Hanna. "I missed my nieces and I wanted Caleb to meet them as well. Caleb this is Alison, Emilys girlfriend. Ali this is Caleb. We've been together since high school I'm not sure if you remember him though." Alison smiled as she shook Caleb's hand. "I remember seeing him around, you two were the cutest couple in high school." Alison smiled. "Sorry for talking quietly the girls are super fussy and I just got both of them to stay asleep." Alison moves to the side so the two could come in. "Sorry for coming unannounced I wanted to surprise Emily. Plus I just so miss cuddling the babies." Hanna swooned thinking about it. "Hanna, how severe is your baby fever?" Ali laughed. "I wish I was already about to deliver one. I can't wait to start a family with Caleb." She grinned. Alison and Caleb looked at Hanna laughing as they shook their heads. "Hey! Why don't we watch the girls tonight and you and Emily could go out and have a break. It'll give us some practice and I'll get to spend more time cuddling them." Hanna asked hoping Ali would be okay with it. "Are you sure? Emilia is really difficult and I feel bad making you watch the both of them especially if Emilia is going to cry a majority of it." Alison looked torn at trying to decide what to do. "Well it'll help us a lot especially if we had a colicky baby, it'll be good practice. Plus it's not making us if we offer." Caleb spoke up seeing how badly Hanna wanted this and his torn Alison was with a decision. "Are you two absolutely sure you don't mind?" "We'll be more than happy to watch them." Caleb and Hanna both said together and laughed. "Don't feel guilty, you deserve a night out." Hanna said softly as she touched Ali's arm. "Huh?" Ali looked a little confused as to why she said that. "Emily wanted me to come down sometime soon to help give you and her some alone time. I just never said when I could. But I can see the guilt in your eyes. You don't need to feel guilty for being a human being and wanting time to yourself." Hanna and Ali smiled at one another as Caleb looked at the two babies sleeping peacefully in their bassinets. "I want one." Caleb smiled down at them. "Maybe one day soon we can try for a baby." Hanna spoke softly as she stood next to Caleb carefully watching over the girls with him.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you thought about it!☺️❤️

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