"What the-?" I mumbled walking into the room that was connected to mine by a door. It was almost literally, baby haven. The walls were painted a soft baby blue, while the furniture was varying between a dark woody brown and white.
At least I know why Caroline, Jenna and Rebekah demanded to go baby clothes shopping with me now. The guys had been setting up the nursery from the looks of it.
I smiled softly at the sight, making it all the more real that soon I would have two little munchkins to take care of.
"Thanks, guys." I turned to look at the people in the room emotionally "I love it. I really do." They let out a collective breath and I couldn't help but raised my eyebrow "You seriously thought I would blow up on you because you did... this?" I rolled my eyes "Typical. Absolutely typical."
"That's what I tried to tell them," Jenna laughed "My brother-in-law did the same thing to Miranda and was terrified that she would kill him for it."
"Men," we all scoffed jokingly, looking at our significant others.
They started pouting when they realized that we were teasing them again. Really, the boys do make it too easy sometimes.
"We can just take it apart again," Nik sulked.
I laughed at him "Go right ahead, but I seriously doubt that you'd actually get very far." I froze suddenly, my hand going to my stomach. I hadn't told them, but ever since a week ago I had felt small flutters. To be honest, I wanted to wait until they could feel it as well, before saying something.
"Meg?" Kol stared at me, slightly panicky "What wrong? Do you need a doctor?"
"Shut up, Kol," Rebekah rolled her eyes at her older brother "God, why do men have to be so oblivious sometimes?"
I carefully move over to Finn, excitement shining in my eyes when I grabbed his hand. Without a word, I slipped it under my shirt and onto my bare belly.
"What is-? Oh!" His eyes widened comically "They moved? I could feel them move." Finn picked me up gently and swung me around once.
I had to grip him tightly, when I was back on my feet because a wave of dizziness swept over me. Huh! I just noticed that my sickness and the dizziness were less pronounced now. I was still extremely sleepy all the time, but not sick.
"Really?" Damon asked, begging me with his eyes to feel it.
"Come here, Damon." I gestured for him to come closer, grabbing his hand as well. Somehow I had a feeling that I would have to go through all of the guys separately until they had enough of feeling the sensation. Which would most likely be never.
After about an hour where they continuously wanted to touch my stomach, I was finally saved by Rebekah and Finn.
"Seriously, let her breath," Rebekah snapped at her brothers "Just think about how you'd feel if that happened to you."
They backed off without another word and I could snuggle back into Finn. I think since I met him, I have been more relaxed and even happier than I remembered being.
"You know, Nik went full out with the nursery. Plus, he finally accepted that Caroline does like him back," Finn murmured later that evening, when we were in my room, watching some Dreamworks movies. Have I ever mentioned that I loved everything Disney or Dreamworks related? I did, I really, really did.
I smiled. Over the last week, Nik had taken my words to heart and had decided to simply ask Caroline what she wants. It worked out in his favour, since she liked him back, even though she hadn't been completely sure yet. We would have to see how it continued.
To my surprise, Bekah and Damon had gotten closer as well. Not in the lover sense of way, but they enjoyed snarking at each other more than anything.
Jenna and Alaric had also gotten to know the Original family and got along with them. Well, with the occasional problems that many people have. Vampires, blood and weirdly enough sweets.
The last argument ended with Alaric and Kol fighting about who ate the last cookies. Instead of just going out to buy some more, they decided they would rather shout at each other for two hours straight. They would have probably continued, but I had enough of their shit by them and threw them out.

Save Me From Myself || Finn Mikaelson
FanfictionIt's fascinating how much one tiny moment, one lapse in judgement can affect someone's whole life. My life changed one night a few weeks after my fifteenth birthday. Follow Meagan's life after she moved to Mystic Falls. Will she find friends? A love...