Jennie POV
It's exactly eight in the evening when we arrived at Jungkook's house where his party was being held. In the town it stands a luxurious mansion, a few kilometers away from Manoban Ranch. Many people have come to us, mostly known and wealthy people in town. There are some high end personalities from Seoul, I know most of them, have met them once or twice in the social gatherings I attended. Lisa's holding my hand as we walk through yhe garden of the huge house where the party was being held and her snake-of-a-brother gave us a warm welcome the moment he noticed our presence.
"Lisa... Jennie.... Glad you made it." He said smiling widely.
"Oh,we wouldn't miss it for the world. Nice party, by the way." I chose to speak behalf of Lisa, because she just gave him a force smile.
"Thank you." Jungkook replied then turned to Lisa. "I'm glad you squeezed tonight considering your tight schedule. You really can't resist me."
"Don't flatter yourself Jungkook. If not for my wife, I wouldn't be here exchanging pleasantries with you." Lisa said. She smile but didn't hide the intensity when she uttered those words.
"Well, I guess I should thank the wife." He said, still smiling. Not minding the sharpness in Lisa's voice. And then he turned to me. "I think we will get along." Jungkook gave me a boyish grin and wink at me.
I felt Lisa's hand instantly snake on my waist and possesively held me against her body, that looks like anytime someone will took me from her.
Jungkook grin when he saw what Lisa did, a devilish grin. And Lisa gave him a challenging look.
"Jungkook!" We all turned to the owner of the voice who called Jungkook.
"Oh, there's the ex-wife." Jungkook murmured in complete sarcasm.
I looked intensly to the woman walking towards us.
So, she's the infamous Naeun. The one who break Lisa's heart. Her first love and her everything before me.
She's still a few steps away from us and I took it to my advantage to freely assessed the woman. She's not that tall but her stilletos made her look like she's towering the people around her. The woman's oozing with sex appeal and she's definitely a head turner. She's smiling widely but it disappeared when she saw Lisa. My eyes went to the latter and I saw how her jaw clenched while gazing at her old flame. I don't have any idea what Lisa is thinking now because her eyes are void of any emotions. It's like she's back to her cold self again.
"Naeun, my dear. Look who decided to grace our party." Jungkook greeted her with a wide smile when she reached us.
"Lisa..." I heard her gently uttered then give her a smile.
"Sis, aren't you gonna introduce the present to your past?" Jungkook was grinning from ear to ear. I know he's enjoying every moment of it.
What an asshole?!I thought.
Lisa's face hardened and I heard Naeun gasped when they heard Jungkook.
"Wifey, this is Naeun." Lisa introduced me to the woman in a voice as cold as ice. Then she turned to the latter. "This is my wife Jennie."
"Nice to meet you." I said while extending my hand for a handshake.
"Likewise." Naeun answered back and politely took my hand.
Naeun asked if we could take a seat and We would've chosen a different table if Jungkook did not insisted that we shared table with them. I know he's just playing with our emotions, whatever it's got to do with that thing I don't even know. Lisa and I remaine silent until we take our seat. Naeun is sitting on Lisa's left side while me sitting on Lisa's right. I can feel other guests secretly looking at us, Lisa told me before that Naeun relationship to her is not a secret on there town and the reason why they broke up as well. And we're like giving the whole town something to gossip about by merely seating besides each other. But the heck with it! Jungkook ejoyed it, so be it! I will make it sure that he will pay for doing this to me and to my wife.
After a few moments I excuse myself to them to go to the washroom.
"Excuse me, I'll just go to the restroom." I said then stood up. Lisa was about to stand up but I stopped her.
"I'll go with you." Lisa said.
"No, I can manage."
"But wifey--"
"Hubby, I'll be fine." I smiled sweetly at my gorgeous wife. Then caress her left cheek.
But before Lisa could uttered another word, Naeun interrupt our conversation.
"I'll go with her. Anyway,I just want to go to the restroom." I glanced at Naeun then turned to Lisa.
Was it worriedness that I saw in her eyes?
"I'll be right back." I told her reassuringly. She just slightly nodded. Naeun and I walk to the restroom.
Lisa POV
"Come on Lisa, you're worrying over nothing. She's just with Naeun, you don't trust your ex?" Jungkook grinned because he saw me that I am not comfortable sitting there and waiting for Jennie to come back. I chose to keep silent and not bother to answered him. But he is really provoking me, because he talked again. "You should be happy because it's looks like your past and present are getting along. You can have them both if you want, I think you will not have a problem."
"You know what Jungkook, I pity you. Because you couldn't think if other things but to be greedy. And honestly, I know where you too such confidence to face and talked me, considering all the things you've done to me in the past." I glared at him.
"Hey, chill. It's just a suggestion, your being too much sensitive." He said, grinning devilishly. "We used to shared everything, remember? And I don't mind doing it again. Your wife in exchange to mine. What do you say?"
My blood rushed into my head when I heard what he said.
What did he think to my wife and Naeun,things that he can swap? Fucking asshole!
I stand violently and give him a punch to his face. I don't care if he's way bigger than me. My wife doesn't deserve such insult or an other girl for that matter.
After a few moments Jungkook stood up and try to punch me but I quickly avoided his punch but it still touch my lips and blood sizzle. Some of the visitors stand between us to pacify our fight.
Jennie POV
After I went out on the cubicle I saw Naeun in front of the mirror. I need to fix myself too so I have no choice but to share the mirror with her.
I tried to avoid looking at her and quickly retouch my make up.
"Your beautiful. Your Vogue magazine cover did not do you justice." She broke the silence between us.
I glance at her.
"Thanks, you're stunning yourself." I answer with fine smile. Then come back to apply lipstick.
"You're aware that I'm her wife, right?" She asked afterwards.
I stopped and faced her. Whatever her reason that she wants to open that topic, I have no idea.
"I think ex-wife is the right term. Or should I say... fake wife?" I know I'm being bitchy and it's so not me but call it gut feeling or women's intuition but I know I should not trust her.
Naeun arched one eyesbrows and smile.
"Ok, so you did your homework well huh?"
"My wife tell me about it, you know we don't have secret to each other." I replied.