•.•.•. Nightmares.•.•.•

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2 days later~

He slammed the new pack of papers on the floor doing the same with the vase that was near. He couldn't care less about the new cuts on his hands that were made by the broken peaces.

"This is fucking useless!" He screamed

"But there are the only things we found about him..again"

"Then stop bringing me papers about were he was last seen and go find him yourselves. I want you to search everywhere.Am I clear?!"

"B-But Boss..We can't f-find h-"

"Ugh! You know something I don't even know why am I still here."

"B-Boss! W-Where are you going?!"

"To find him myself."

He left the villa and got on his car. He drives not caring about passing the speed limit.

He really searched everywhere. There was only one place he didn't go.

He arrived at his new destination and got out of the car. He made a few more steps and rang the door bell of the house that was in front of him.

The door opened and he saw a old lady standing in front of him. Her eyes widened at the time she saw the known "Mask".

"You don't have to be afraid..You are Taehuyngs grandma aren't you?"

"Y-Yes.. Did y-you do something to him?! That's the reason he hasn't come back?!"

"I promise you I never had and never will have the intention of hurting your grandson.. I was wondering if he was here with you but I guess he is not.. I am sorry for bothering you m-"

"Y-You knew w-where h-he was But now you d-don't?" She starting to tear up.

"Y-Yes..But I promise I will find him..And you have to know that I always find a way to keep them."

He left and got on the car again "You always keep them huh? How about when you said said that you won't hurt him and you did the right opposite" he murmurs and chuckles to himself. It was a bitter chuckle, he didn't know what else to do anymore. But he will keep searching, he knew Taehuyng would be in danger and he is the one who m-

He picked up his phone and saw a new message from Hoseok. Looked like even if they closed Taehuyngs phone the were foolish enough to thing they can't spot them.


Taehuyngs POV:



There wasn't only one man that was wearing a mask identical to Jungkooks' neither five nor 10 ...they were more.

One of them took the knife again and placed it on my right cheek cutting it. The only thing I could do was hiss in pain,sream and cry. Again and again for 2 days. No food or water just blood and pain.

"Well won't you look at that yesterday's cut at the shoulder hasn't heal yet. Boo hoo"

He placed the knife right on that cut and pressed the knife more. Slowly making a new line on the old one.

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