Chapter 5

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Mackenzie's Pov:

Friday went by extremely fast, all except last period that is. I was ok with it though. It meant no school for two days; which also meant no Harry, Perrie, and the others. It also meant it was party time. Ash and Ashleigh had their party tonight. It is always a hit and crowded, obviously, they have more friends than I do, but they are still my best friends. Although, I don't know why.

Sitting in History was painfully slow. Well not that painful, Zayn was in there and he looked so damn good. He had on a short sleeve white t-shirt, classic black skinny jeans, his hair was up in its usual quiff, and he had on some nice ass black boots.

His shirt was tight in all the right places, the short sleeves revealed his tattoos. I have always loved tattoos that mean something. I love the story they tell. Something tells me his tattoos all mean something even the small feather on his hand.

I wonder if he was going to the party. I mean he is friends with Ash but he never came the years before. I don't know why, and I don't think I wanna know why. I practically ran out of the class, not caring about the looks I was getting. When I saw Ash I basically jumped on him almost making us both fall.

After regaining balance and stopping laughing I grabbed my books; I hate having home work on the weekends, but I need to keep my 4.0 GPA and my number 1 spot so I can finally get out of here for good.

Walking out of school Ash and I were talking about the party. I was so into the conversation I wasn't even looking where I was going until  I smashed right into someone. I could tell who it was just by the scent of his cologne, and his laugh. Oh that laugh, that beautiful laugh. It is like a song from the angels.

I couldn't help the blush the creeped up my face as he helped to steady me. All in one shot I released my hair from its pony it was in and shield my face with my dirty blonde hair. I gave him a small smile then looked down at my shoes.

I kind of zoned out when  Zayn and Ash started talking. I was trapped inside my head I didn't even realize Zayn was talking to me. "Hey uh I gotta run, I'll see you later at the party guys. Bye Mackenzie. Ash." My heart fluttered at him saying my name. And he is going to the party! Oh well its not like he will acknowledge me anyways. I gave him a small wave, hiding my frown the best I could.

I started walking to Ash's car seeing Ashleigh waiting for us already. I looked back after not hearing Ash walking behind me. Zayn looked really happy after Ash said something to him, probably about some girl. Ash ran over to me and threw me over his shoulder and I couldn't contain my laughter. "ASHY! Put me down! I'm too heavy stop." I squeal. "Yeah, Ash, put her down don't want to hurt yourself." Perrie says the disgust clear in her voice.

Zayn's Pov:

I couldn't help but smile after what Ash whispered to me. She likes me! Mackenzie really likes me. I couldn't help but stare at her and how she interacted with Ash. I'll admit I have been a little bit jealous of their friendship. I have always wanted to be the person to make her smile.

"Dammit." I cursed to myself. I forgot I didn't bring my car to school today cause I had to get the breaks fixed. I may as well ask Ash cause I am going there anyways and I could always offer to help. As I am walking over to Ash and them and listening to her beautiful laugh. "Yeah, Ash, put her down don't want to hurt yourself." Perrie and her little minions laugh.

"Fuck off Perrie." I guess everyone was surprised by that cause they all stopped and looked at me. "Excuse me?" Perrie says. "You heard me, leave her alone." Perrie storms away whilst rolling her eyes. "I have no idea what I ever saw in her. She was always such a bitch." I say while chuckling. "Anyway hey Ash can I get a ride? I forgot I had to get my car fixed. I  mean I can just come with you guys and help out."

I look over at Mackenzie and I see the smile on her face. " Yeah man you can sit in the back." I know that means I will be next to Mackenzie by the blush, and the wink Ash gives me. I flip him off with a laugh and walk to the side that Mackenzie is on and open her door. "I mean I did walk into you and caused you to get detention, the least I could do is open up your door." I say to her when she just stares at me, she nods her head and gets in the car.

Soon we are on our way. Ash and his sister are in some kind of conversation about the party. Mackenzie has her headphones in and her head on the window. I am just staring at her. The way her cheeks are always a light pink, her long eyelashes are fluttering against her cheek bones, her full lips a deeper pink. Her hair in its natural state and lightly blowing in the wind.

About five minutes later we arrive at the Irwin house. Tonight I will tell Mackenzie I like her. I will lay it all out. How beautiful I think she is. How I want to take her out on a date. I want to be able to hold her hand through the hall. I wanna kiss her lips, her nose, her hand, and everything. She is just so beautiful.

I will be the best for her, no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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